Use gitlab-workhorse 0.5.3 with GitLab 8.3.3
- update in omnibus-gitlab
- check install guide
- mention in update guide
- mention in blog post
Anything else you can think of @rspeicher ?
Do not update/delete: Banner broadcast message test data
Do not update/delete: Notification broadcast message test data
Anything else you can think of @rspeicher ?
Title changed from Use gitlab-workhorse 0.5.3 with GitLab 8.3 to Use gitlab-workhorse 0.5.3 with GitLab 8.3.3
@jacobvosmaer Added one for blog post.
Reassigned to @jacobvosmaer
Marked the task edit GITLAB_WORKHORSE_VERSION as completed
Marked the task check install guide as completed
Marked the task mention in update guide as completed
Marked the task update in omnibus-gitlab as completed
I am ticking boxes ahead of actual merges here; !2367 (merged) is not in yet.
I don't see a blog post yet, assigning to you for that last part @rspeicher
Reassigned to @rspeicher
mentioned in issue #5547 (closed)
Marked the task mention in blog post as completed
Status changed to closed