feature request for generating default set of labels
Our GitLab can generate default set of labels, but if we want to change the default set, we must to change the source code of that like below: add new line code for new labels.
module Gitlab
class IssuesLabels
class << self
def generate(project)
red = '#d9534f'
yellow = '#f0ad4e'
blue = '#428bca'
green = '#5cb85c'
labels = [
{ title: "bug", color: red },
{ title: "critical", color: red },
{ title: "confirmed", color: red },
{ title: "documentation", color: yellow },
{ title: "support", color: yellow },
{ title: "discussion", color: blue },
{ title: "suggestion", color: blue },
{ title: "feature", color: green },
{ title: "enhancement", color: green }
labels.each do |label|
I think we can change that to something like configurable, in admin page or in config file, so that users who don't know ruby can do that kind of change.