Restore issue with empty projects
Hello Guys,
we got a problem with the actual gitlab version 7.4.5-ee ubuntu omnibus installation. Our basesystem is a Ubuntu 14.04 LTE installed as 64bit. gitlab-rake gitlab:check shows no errors
We can reproduce the failure everytime with:
Create a new Project in GITLAB so it stays empty
Start a new Backup with linux command gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:create
Restore with linux command gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:restore
All Projects with filed with files works, but when the process comes to the empty project, he failed on it and the full restore process stops. With the old 7.0.0-ee version the empty project will print a error but the process will step to the next project. so for me the old version work correct.
After we changed the rb file for the backup and restore process to show more errors we only saw he missing the bundle file for the project.
Now the question, is there a way to skip those empty projects or is this a bug you do not know? Or should we use another command for a full restore?
best, Bastian