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8 unresolved threads
8 unresolved threads
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- Oswaldo Ferreir @oswaldoAuthor DeveloperSuggested change
1 incorrect behavior 2 foo 3 bar 4 We encourage everyone to run the latest stable release to ensure that you can 5 easily upgrade to the most secure and feature-rich GitLab experience. In order 6 to make sure you can easily run the most recent stable release, we are working 7 hard to keep the update process simple and reliable. 8 9 More information about the release procedures can be found in our 10 [release-tools documentation][rel]. You may also want to read our 11 [Responsible Disclosure Policy][disclosure]. 1 incorrect behavior 2 foo 3 bar Suggested changeApplied1 incorrect behavior 2 foo 3 bar 4 We encourage everyone to run the latest stable release to ensure that you can 5 easily upgrade to the most secure and feature-rich GitLab experience. In order 6 to make sure you can easily run the most recent stable release, we are working 7 hard to keep the update process simple and reliable. 8 9 More information about the release procedures can be found in our 10 [release-tools documentation][rel]. You may also want to read our 11 [Responsible Disclosure Policy][disclosure]. 12 13 14 something x 15 16 17 something 18 19 [rel-sec]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/release-tools/blob/master/doc/security.md#backporting 20 [rel]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/release-tools/blob/master/doc/ 21 [disclosure]: https://about.gitlab.com/disclosure/x 1 incorrect behavior 2 foo 3 bar Edited by Oswaldo Ferreir