expired on Sep 22, 2015
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Some MRs can't be merged and don't show changes on Changes tab
- 500/502 on trending projects page
- Push does not trigger new CI build
- CI project ordering is wrong if you have a lot of projects
- 500 error when visit /ci as not logged in user
- Fix Gmail Actions
- Source installation guide assumes x64
- Require authentication to view /help
- Some help documents have the wrong link
- Docs: Migration guide CI -> CE/EE bugs
- Use postgres noowner during ci:migrate
- All MRs that have been created before the rc2 deploy are broken
- Improve 'rake ci:migrate' error message when no backup is found
- Right side of the ui breaks when you refresh the issues page
- CI status on MR is broken
- Wrong font color when editing a comment
- Upload & Replace does not show loading bar correctly
- Fix markdown
- "Reply by email" shouldn't be named that in configuration
- Font size changes when leaving full-screen mode (for comment form)
- 8.0 Regressions
- Cancel fails for CI project settings
- Adapt rake ci:migrate to accept updated 'final export' archives
- Config setting to disable CI
- Make the CI migration smoother
- Remove ci/help page
- Expose CI in GitLab CE interface
- Update runner info is broken
- GitLab CI in CE Regressions
- 500 error on CI project settings
- Settings disappears on small screens in new redesign
- Add tags to gitlab-ce/docker image.
- New Project list
- Footer links are missing in master
- Reply by email is not working for diff comments
- Use fixed and fluid containers depends on page content
- Include the newrelic-grape gem
- Remove satellites in 8.0
- Merge GitLab CI into GitLab CE
- Use gitlab-git-http-server in installations from source
- Rouge warning noise
- CSS: there is no margin
- 2 factor authentication fails on