expired on Mar 22, 2016
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Commit id is not aligned properly when viewing a MR discussion
- Snippets with comments cause a 500 when they show up in search results
- Security: Private snippets visible to non-project members
- Error when LDAP doesn't supply an email address
- "Upcoming Milestone" option is gone from milestone dropdown
- Broken uploads when moving issue to another project
- 500 error on profile/applications view
- ActionController::UnknownFormat aka whitepage in dashboard/milestones
- NoMethodError: undefined method `authorize_admin_project!' for #<Projects::ApproversController:0x...
- Error when trying to create an existing label in new dropdown
- Move Issue section should not be displayed in the new issue form
- NoMethodError: undefined method `name' for nil:NilClass
- Duplicated labels in dashboard labels selector
- Sorting issues by votes on the groups issues page results in SQL errors
- ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `sha' for nil:NilClass
- Issue filtering with label does not work for "no label" filter
- Pagination issues
- Build tab is gone for some latest Merge Requests
- Wrong "iid of max iid" in issuable sidebar for some merged MRs
- Avatar crop validation
- New Issue button disappears on mobile
- Can't copy markdown snippets
- Can't assign previously assigned MR
- Bundler not found on upgrade
- Milestone labels tab repeats every label for every issue
- Grouped milestone page should be viewable without logging in
- "Merge When Build Succeeds" doesn't work
- Explore groups page displays all groups
- Bug: Issue labling - after editing labels twice on issues it put "#" in url
- GitLab advises to push to other users' empty repositories
- Diff file header scrolls over the page header
- Group issues with archived projects
- Large diffs take too long to load
- Cookie Referrer is not deleted after an OAUth redirect
- Get merge_requests patch 500
- projects/branches#destroy action missing and breaking MR display
- Release 8.6.8
- "Comment & close MR" doesn't comment
- Release 8.6.7
- Release 8.6.6
- Release 8.6.5
- update guide 8.5 to 8.6 has incorrect gitlab-shell dependency
- Bypassing password authentication of users that have 2FA enabled
- Public list of private project members
- Release 8.6.4
- Admin Area -> Projects: Filter for visibility levels broken
- Release 8.6.3
- [Profile Settings] Notifications - Global not saving
- Editing a highlighted note looks bad
- Editing MR Cancel button redirects to issue of same ID
- ToDo's broken after moving/deleting issues in v8.6.1
- Mentions on confidential issues create todos for non-members
- Comments on confidential issues show in activity feed to non-members
- TODOs crash server when there's notification to removed issue
- Release 8.6.2
- Release 8.6.1
- Missing plain text diffs in "email on push"
- Hamburger overlaps header link on mobile
- "Not allowed to merge" warning icon is pushed down
- Header on mobile overflows when not signed in
- Issues/Merge Requests on Dashboard aren't respecting sort order
- Navigation does not auto-collapse on resize
- "Delete" button on "Edit Issue" has no confirmation
- "Weight" text in sidebar is bold
- Restrict notifications for subscribers of the confidential issue's labels
- Label filter dropdown loses its placeholder on tab change
- Filtering in a drop-down then unfocusing it persists the filter with no way to clear it
- Issue/MR page does not show author avatar
- Bottom Close button does not work.
- Unable to change password.
- Authorized Application
- Wrong paddings on group member page
- PageLayoutHelper#page_image uses Git to retrieve project images but this is not cached and rather slow
- Collapse merge request sidebar for changes only on smaller screens
- 'Last created' button is appending under the list of issues.
- Settingslogic::MissingSetting: Missing setting 'verify_ssl' in /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitla...
- Dropdowns upsidedown
- Dropdown gets cut off on project pages
- Add index on ci_runners. token
- Add index to git_hooks. project_id
- 8.6 Regressions
- In new dropdowns when I select any milestone the filter shows incorrectly no results
- In new dropdowns the selected value is not shown as selected
- New dropdowns need a bit more vertical spacing
- Unnecessary borders on build status
- Double border on CI status badges in build show page
- File finder related `ActionView::Template::Error` on a couple of repos of
- Automatically run 'git gc' after every N pushes
- Suggest font-awesome icon for project entity
- Issue sidebar toggle on mobile doesn't work
- Project#ci_services loads all records into memory before reducing the list
- Recent MergeRequestDiff changes introduced a TypeError
- Discussions overflow x because of <code> and whitespace: pre
- Reuse existing method to force caching in badges controller
- Can't quick-submit when editing a comment
- Slow ProjectCacheWorker (with large number of branches)
- Deploy from GitLab to Kubernetes with spread
- Automatic issue sidebar collapse should not persist
- Bad styling for some links
- Include mentions in commits page to ToDos
- Release 8.6
- Security issue 3
- Continuous Integration settings section should be hidden if I disabled build feature
- Add some space between flash message and login screen
- Duplicate pagination on search page
- What does it mean for a CI build to be "triggered"?
- Profile settings UI/UX update: Profile settings tab
- Gitlab logo is missing
- Searching for users is incredibly inefficient
- repositories with names ending with ".wiki" are not useable
- 500 when marking a Todo as done a second time
- Remove benchmark suite
- Show search field to logged-out users
- Forks page on for this project produces a 502 error
- Milestone issue labels should link to all issues with that label
- Disallow data-links
- Milestone "time elapsed" makes little sense.
- Labels should be visible in dashboard and group milestone views
- Security issue
- Request Forgery Timing Attack
- Documentation for CI API is outdated
- Issues sidebar on mobile
- Profile settings UI/UX update
- Make tabs as pages with own url so page reload does not change content
- Replace show all links with pagination
- 8.6 CI Features
- Issue/MR page header inconsistency
- New UI/UX Project Settings: Deploy keys
- Clean up Repository caching madness
- Implement `e` shortcut for editing issues/merge requests
- Link to label's merge requests from label index
- Add a description to labels
- Use dedicated method for counting commits, branches, and tags and cache the output
- Allow user to undo the collapse of the left side menu on small screens
- Issue sidebar improvement
- Load award emoji picker dynamically
- Reduce automatic check time from 15 to 45 seconds
- Build status shows "passed" when an allow_fail job is running
- 502 while submitting a large merge request
- Deleting a user from the admin panel can time out
- Project switcher align look bad
- 502 timeout on search page on if search for keyword git
- Chrome ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE on unauthorized Git archive download
- GitLab email diff improvements
- mail_room seems to load all of GitLab
- List element colors and paddings
- In the milestone view 'drag and drop available' should not look like an issue.
- Branded login page for CE
- Undocumented 8.4 features
- Colors unclear in diff, maybe only for color blind people
- Group page / projects tab redesign
- Load More has no bottom margin
- Tabs behaviour as multi-select on should be neglected
- Avoid newbie pushes "Comment & close" button for discarding draft
- 8.4 Regressions
- Tags only trigger builds if they are tagged on master
- consider updating sprockets to 3.3.0
- Description of Merge tab on Hover Over
- Show archived projects in the system
- Add commit message to JIRA mention comment
- Limit jquery-ui and bootstrap requirements
- updated_at attributed (edited 2 hours ago) on comments can be improved
- When refreshing page discussion/comment text stays, but button status (comment & close) is unaware of status of textfield.
- Ctrl + Enter should submit forms in large textareas
- Sort issues by last comment
- Swap place of assignee and author selectors
- Read Only Searchable Projects
- Projects::NotesController#create is slow
- Configure sidekiq-cron via gitlab.yml
- Files view on project home page not identical to regular files view
- Create new branch from issue button
- Merge even if master is updated
- Autofocus = true for dashboard
- Expose all CI related things in GitLab API
- Confidential issues
- Allow award emoji count from comments
- Counting contributions to forked projects
- Find better place for load indicator
- Add character diff highlighting in emails on push service
- Commits with no statuses return 404
- Ability to move issues between projects
- Use Golang 1.5.1 for all installations from source in GitLab 8.1
- Sort issues by votes
- consider updating unicorn to 4.9.0
- consider updating carrierwave to 0.10.0
- Easily add labels to an issue
- Add ability to generate Table of Contents fro Wikis
- Delete Issues
- Get rid of default login credentials