expired on May 22, 2016
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- When an issue has no Due Date, "None" shouldn't be bold in the sidebar
- 500 error on viewing todos
- health_check unusable as of self-changing token
- Project builds table has misaligned headers/columns.
- wiki http/s clone URL is wrong
- Label filter selects the wrong label when hitting enter
- Unable to access application settings after upgrading from 8.7.2 to 8.8
- JSON::ParserError: A JSON text must at least contain two octets!
- Close issue button is sometimes present on line comment form
- ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `>' for nil:NilClass
- ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `change_type_title' for nil:NilClass
- Sometimes the issue and MR list are empty
- Login / Signup page markup breaks 1Password
- upvote/downvote bug
- 8.7.0 RC1 seemingly broke Markdown rendering
- Dropdown sorting bug
- Profile settings refers to Gravatar even though Gravatar is not enabled
- GitLab 8.6: labels are duplicated in issue filter combobox
- Upgrade to 8.6.1 breaks migrations
- "Forks" listed when permission is missing
- Add TODOs for each member when groups are tagged
- Commit sorting issue
- Release 8.8.9
- Release 8.8.8
- Release 8.8.6
- Release 8.8.6
- Release 8.8.5
- Comments on MR's diff that were imported from GitHub are not being shown
- Users With 2FA Enabled Cannot Log In After Updating to 8.8.3
- Release 8.8.4
- Merge When Build Succeeds Button - Wrong Colors
- Specific formatting causes an ordered list's number to be hidden
- Release 8.8.3
- Merge when build succeeds is two different colors in 8.8.2
- "Merge When Build Succeeds" dropdown has odd styling
- Backup broken after upgrade to 8.8.1
- Builds table is broken after upgrading to GitLab 8.8
- Release 8.8.2
- Creating new .gitignore file via web ui does not display gitignore drop-down
- Release 8.8.1
- Fix UI of the webhook form
- Group top nav dropdown drops behind form field
- 8.8 Regressions
- Dropdown bug on mobile
- Broadcast messages are pushed under the new top-level navigation bar
- Create frontend for "Dropdown for gitignore selection"
- Design problem on top bar
- Rubocop: Require space round operators
- db/migrate/20160412173417_update_ci_commit.rb requires downtime or manual steps, this needs to be automated
- Fix CSS for linked code `ticked` comments
- Issue filter with text plus dropdowns broken again
- User testing of new context navigation
- Stop tracking total method execution time per transaction
- Import projects page is confusing
- Installation from source guide missing instructions for pg_trgm extension creation
- Remove jquery-scrollto-rails
- Release 8.8
- Links in comments break mid-word
- Bad UX for canceling groups of builds
- Remove dup labels from label filter and assign rainbow to signify multiple labels
- Change color of Todos badge
- Sidebar bug with closing and opening
- Show / hide discussion styling issues
- 8.8 CI Plan
- Replace Devise Async with Devise's implementation of async emails
- [feature proposal] Add snippets tab in user profile
- Uploads should be made non-indexable by the robots.txt
- Search bar formatting is ugly on Safari
- Start requiring zero downtime deploys
- Escape key should close dropdowns
- We need a nicer 503 page
- Escape the name of labels and milestones
- Scrolling vs Wrapping
- Backport partly implemented safe webhooks feature from EE
- Use SIGKILL only as a last resort in Sidekiq MemoryKiller
- Importing pull requests from GitHub where the source branch was removed
- 500 error on help/ui page when not logged in
- Unmarking issue as confidential should create a new system note
- Redesign builds section on builds/commit/mr pages
- On click of changes tab should scroll as far down as possible so loading gif shows.
- Should assigning a closed merge request create a todo item?
- Black bar when scrolling horizontally
- Add support to API for the 'since' and 'until' operators on commit requests
- Highlight addition/deletion in "Title changed" system note on issues/MRs
- Bad message after creating a new milestone
- Click new issue from issue page after sorting makes a ridiculous URL
- Delete issue or merge request button should be red?
- Make it possible to move issue using an API
- Disable confirmation emails by default
- Set user as external based on SAML attribute
- Title of MR created for branch `issue-title-123` should be 'Resolve "Issue title"'
- Add additional info to 2FA code page
- Assign labels and milestones from a target project when moving an issue
- PostReceive worker takes 10-15 minutes in some cases
- Redesign snippets page
- Set up performance guidelines
- Different font weight
- .gitignore templates
- Project settings UI/UX update: Git hooks
- Project settings UI/UX update: Web hooks
- Project settings UI/UX update: Deploy keys
- Project settings UI/UX update: Groups
- GitLab edit file web interface broken at narrower viewports
- Add a special GitLab markdown reference for milestones
- Support Golang sub-package fetching
- More flexible matrix jobs
- Allow admin to reset user password and force password reset on next login
- Allow admins to remove the `Login with GitHub` button, while still allowing for import to work
- Git authentications should be stored in audit events
- Link single lines out of blame view
- Readme anchor is below left navigation bar
- Automatic closing of source branch if requested
- Add option "ignore white spaces" in diff views
- Merge request slow update
- Set notification level on projects I'm not a member of
- Option to sort issues by weight
- GitLab health check
- issue filter: combine text filter with other filters
- Project Sorting and Filtering Improvement
- GitLab Pipeline for a single commit
- Labeled runners should not build unlabeled jobs
- GitLab container registry
- Internal server error when searching
- UI framework for GitLab
- Investigate behaviour of gitattributes without satellites