expired on Jun 22, 2016
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Data from imports being preserved after the project import has finished
- Import button keeps disabled when import process fails due to the namespace already been taken
- 8.9 regression - Comments in snippets are not shown
- Empty comments on the commit page
- Misaligned avatars in merge request screen
- Wiki button "New page" shown twice when editing a page
- Cannot enable shared runner to become a specific runner
- 8.9.0 NoMethodError in sidekiq.log (Activity feed not updated any longer)
- Have selected value displayed when selecting a template
- Label link when filtering labels leads to 404 page
- 72x72 custom logo is now incorrect size as of 8.9 update
- New RC menu doesn't play nicely with a vertical monitor.
- Bad redirection when clicking on a commit on network graph
- Contributors Graphs squished on mobile
- WikiLinkFilter fails with uncaught exception with invalid URIs
- NameError: uninitialized constant Mail::Parsers::AddressStruct
- Commit view: 'copy ref' button should be smaller
- Build stuck on `running` when declaring an empty `variables` key in `.gitlab-ci.yml`
- Editing an issuable title only result in a 500 error
- member_access_requested_email can include no To: address
- Destroying a project causes post_decline_request to be executed
- Missing partial groups/group_members/_group_member
- Wrong number of arguments used in member_invite_accepted_email
- Docker Registry page 500
- Style regressions of the empty state for Changelog, License, Contribution guide on project page
- Attempting to leave a project under certain circumstances causes a 403 error to occur.
- I see `request access` button for project even if I am an owner of the group
- Removing the WIP prefix raises a 500 error
- Tooltips do not disappear when setting/unsetting priority labels
- Markdown errors during render due to IssueParser: "Association named 'owners' was not found on Group"
- Branch list buttons styling is messed up
- Not able to filter projects in dropdown when moving issue to another project
- Sorting by weight causes a 500 error
- Allow admins to disable "social" accounts unlink feature
- "Merge When Build Succeeds" button is split on mobile
- Error when viewing registry
- Case-sensitive project matches not finding the right project
- New Project page is unusable on mobile
- Incorrectly assigned comments to discussions on diffs
- Horizontal alignment of double menu
- Wrong colors in contribution calendar
- Can't download zip file in `Files` view
- Long commit description is not readable because of the scrollbar
- Builds API returns null commit
- "When this merge request is accepted, this issue will be closed automatically" rendered twice
- Same emoji displayed twice in emoji picker
- Confusing scrollbar on issues page
- Cherry Pick crashes when choosing a tag, which shouldn't be available
- Buttons overlap on project page
- Getting [object Object] instead of an error message when creating a label with an ampersand on an issue page
- Can not click Find file or download button on Files page
- Switching layouts in preferences bug
- Wrong emoji for reaction
- Dashboard issues dropdown spins forever
- container registry listing always shows same container id for different images/tags
- Update tooltip when project stared
- Pressing "Merge When Build succeeds" at the same exact time that a build is failing will merge the failed build
- Todos showing up without my mention or assignment
- SVG sanitizer doesn't handle namespaced attributes correctly
- Test service settings button has disabled styling but is still clickable
- Links don't look like links in Activity
- Chrome tries to autocomplete my TOTP (2FA) codes
- Build of a multi-build (e.g. tagged) commit is considered 'failed' if there are no build jobs defined for one of the builds
- z-index issue UI problem on group edit page
- Error 500 on when visiting pipelines
- New shortcut (i) doesn't work on some pages
- Container registry can't access groups/projects with capitals in them
- Issue title username layout problem
- Pipeline download text
- Container-registry login doesn't work with Docker version < 1.11
- External builds don't update the MR status after update to 8.8.0
- <button>'s stay focused after clicking
- pre>code should have `font-family: monospace` fallback
- Discussion toggle is displayed twice
- visiting CI Graphs on a repo without CI throws 500 error
- Activity links
- Datetimes on profile page are wrong.
- Constant re-definition warnings popping up again in master
- iPhone: Files aren't displayed correctly after switching between portrait and landscape orientation.
- Commit discussion system note looks weird
- Edit form has no content after canceling and removing content but not saving it
- GitLab 8.7 breaks relative links in wiki?
- Edit issue load performance is terrible for large customer
- Emoji issues when using subdir relative url
- Issue update failed - Milestone sorting issue
- Error 500 when sorting issues by Milestone due date and filtering by more than one Label
- No_group_avatar.png link
- Merging a commit that closes an issue - that has been reopened - into a fork of the repository causes the issue to be closed again.
- SHA parameter in accept merge request API
- Wiki page view missing whitespace at bottom
- Cannot fork public project if public visibility level is restricted
- Admin view of a group doesn't show projects
- Release 8.9.10
- Release 8.9.8
- Release 8.9.7
- 20160616103948 CE migration conflicts with EE migration 20160301174731
- Problem importing from gitlab 8.9.5
- Release 8.9.6
- Release 8.9.5
- Release 8.9.4, 8.8.7, and 8.7.9
- Release 8.9.3
- `Retry` button present on running builds
- 500 error when importing a project...
- Pin should show up at 1280px min
- Switch mobile buttons to be more inline with typical UI paradigms.
- Release 8.9.2, 8.8.6, and 8.7.8
- A group's private repositories are listed immediately when a user requests access to join the group
- Comments don't show up in activity and load really slowly.
- Middle clicking a file should open in new tab
- "Merge automatically when build succeeds" does not work with new option "Only allow merge requests to be merged if the build succeeds"
- Notify#project_was_not_exported_email - mail not sent
- Sub nav isn't showing on file view
- Internal snippets can be searched by anyone
- Release 8.9.1
- Importing GitLab CE repo throws an error
- Arrow icon is visible and quickly fades out when entering a page
- Update gray block under sub nav
- gitlab-ce tags page is not working (502 read timeout)
- Locked files subnavigation container
- Update omnibus to account for multiple mount points
- Add arrow on horizontal nav fades
- Check/Improve how we display access requesters in admin area
- Clipboard buttons on "Check out branch" modal are misplaced
- Participable#participants is called twice when viewing an issue/MR
- Lost owner priviliges
- Merge Request/new view looks unaligned
- Tooltip for pinning sidebar
- "File is too large to display" shows up when it should not
- GitHub import fails when retrieving Webhooks for repositories for collaborators without admin access
- "Find File" and "Download zip" buttons are not actionable
- Slow query when adding a key
- MergeRequests::RefreshService#execute instrumentation
- blob file view error
- Write user documentation for environments and deployments
- Environments and deployments blank slate
- Filtering through projects when moving to another namespace is broken
- Clicking outside the sidebar should close it
- Tanuki isn't a link
- GitLab logo in navbar is not an anchor tag
- Remove useless code from app/views/layouts/nav/_project.html.haml
- Banzai::Filter::UploadLinkFilter is slow
- Document access request to project & group
- Banzai::Filter::ExternalLinkFilter is slow
- Banzai::Filter::RedactorFilter is slow
- Add a subtle border around images
- Draggable Label Priorities need to look dragable
- Document label priorities
- "Recent push" widget has unreadable links
- Nav items alignment bug
- Star and Fork buttons are not visible on mobile
- Measure CPU time for instrumented methods
- Instrument private methods
- Brand SVG elements disappear on new top bar
- Top area css component is broken on tablet screen
- Race condition may lead to an incorrect count in MigrationHelpers#update_column_in_batches
- Missing images on confirmation email
- Navigation area with search form has unnecessary padding
- Track the number of new Redis connections per transaction
- Instrument Grape endpoints
- Fix `EmailsOnPushWorker` spec
- iPhone: Fix emoji icon styling
- Hide Left sidebar paradigm
- Remove fixed state from top navbar
- Move doc/ci/api to doc/api/ci
- Prioritize group members before GitLab people
- Rework migration for migrating award emoji
- Labels placement
- Secondary Navigation visual part is missing
- Avoid inline javascript on noteable awards
- 8.9 Regressions
- Award emoji not working on MR when changing tabs
- Top navigation tabs need a hover state
- Project Settings dropdown shows links that lead to permission errors
- Migration for removing duplicate notification settings takes a very long time to run
- Exception on production database seed
- LR Padding on input is 16px should be 10px
- Remove JiraIssue model
- "Due Date" UX on "New Issue" page is confusing
- Make merge conflicts text obvious in MR page
- Document the `Up` shortcut to "edit my last note" in the shortcuts help pane and shortcuts doc page
- Editing a highlighted note looks bad
- Instrument RepositoryCheck::SingleRepositoryWorker manually
- Project header misaligned if no project description
- Change color of pipeline canceled status to make it consistent
- Reduce amount of tabs
- IssueReferenceFilter runs queries for every issue reference in a document
- Cache the TODO counter
- Sidebar runs 2 queries for rendering labels instead of 1
- Cache Project#external_issue_tracker
- Consider removing issue/merge request previous/next buttons
- Compact sidebar
- Inconsistent documentation of the container registry produces an untraceable error.
- Reduce number of project navigation tabs to improve usability and clean ui
- Recommend pulling during each CI stage
- Create index on users.state column
- Toggle Whitespace button not visible in compare views
- Write UI guide
- Issuable sidebar covers project dropdown menu
- Builds table show incorrect columns for dates
- health check help page has a little typo in 8.8.1
- Add a placeholder of the minimum required characters needed for a password when signing up
- Add rubocop-rspec
- switch placement of buttons for dialog boxes
- Search projects should not preserve current page (always show first page first) (should be the same as searching issues)
- Add description and help item for pipeline
- Improve 0 project limit error
- 8.9 CI Plan
- Merge request widget alignment
- UI issue with Forks page
- table navigation mockup
- Mobile
- svg icons for left sidebar
- Implement new icons for left sidebar and top navigation
- Too many buttons on commits page
- New horizontal navigation for project pages
- .gitlab-ci.yml templates
- Wiki page events webhook should include Wiki attributes (url, repo, etc)
- Cannot enable Wiki Page events from Webhook admin UI in a Project
- GitHub API rate limit exceeded when importing big repositories
- Backport "Emails on push" syntax highlighting from EE to CE
- Participants don't autocomplete for assignee dropdown
- Add milestone expire date to the right sidebar
- Improve mobile version of horizontal navigation
- Make left sidebar a bit smaller to have more width for content (from 230px to 220px)
- Make it possible to find / filter on confidential issues only
- Hide left sidebar on small phone screens
- Implement SVG icons from design to navigation
- Persistent XSS on public wiki pages
- Add a new icon for Groups or Members
- Unable to edit comment on mobile
- New color for hover row
- Environments
- Automagically create MR from newly pushed branch
- Remove back-compat line in projects_helper.rb
- Implement indeterminate state for dropdown items
- Add ability to remove labels from labels bar
- Show loading dropdown when @ mentions are not ready
- Update icons (and possibly font library)
- Use fog "microgems" instead of metagem if possible
- Add issue and MR status to Todos.
- Add additional indications that an issue is confidential when viewing it
- RepositoryArchiveCacheWorker seemingly increases system load when it runs once an hour
- Make project page head more compact
- Only cache Repository#exists? when it returns true
- "Comment and close" button should immediately initiate a note poll
- Frontet bug on counter
- Clear the due date of a milestone
- Manually set someting as 'DONE' or 'TODO'
- When creating a MR, sort source branches by last updated
- Add filter dropdown to tag page
- 8.7 UX - double menu on mobile
- Too many items in project navigation sidebar
- Remove bottom margin for flash message on project home page
- My groups should show my personal namespace
- Improve design of commits list
- External links should be opened in a new Tab.
- Add new keyboard shortcut to get the permalink version of a file
- Note.grouped_awards generates queries that don't use indexes
- Improve performance in Banzai
- Labels page looks ugly
- Set label priority
- UX - MR builds table redundant information
- 'Builds' is not a good name for commit statuses
- Customize after sign-up path
- Red build issues a new Todo for MR creator
- Creating issues on is slow
- Serve 'raw' diffs and patches via gitlab-workhorse
- As a user I want to be able to request access to a project or group from GitLab UI
- Docker-in-Docker not recommended for CI
- Allow clones from http url's without appending .git
- Change build id to reflect both "build" and "job"
- Bulk-assign labels from issue index
- Make autocomplete more performant
- Disallow overwriting approvers when creating a MR
- Custom notification level
- Currently running a 1.x version of jQuery, should update to 2.x
- Some pages on have old CSS
- Add Sidekiq metrics/monitoring
- Option to disallow accepting MR with failed build
- Categorised search queries as another navigation opportunity
- Expire build artifacts
- Support shallow clone
- Artifacts for failed builds
- External users automatic flag setting with LDAP/OmniAuth
- Remove deprecated issues_tracker and issues_tracker_id from project model
- Award emoji in comments
- Improve Award Emoji picker
- Support LFS fetching for CI services (ie. GitLab)
- Artifacts expiry date
- Specific CI runners accessible outside of project
- Navigate issue to issue and keep filter settings in Issues
- Add Project Import/Export Functionality
- Be able to search for all authors in issues
- Design CI build page