expired on Jul 22, 2016
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- 500 when viewing members of group or project since 8.10
- Commits in fork can have impact on original project (again)
- Gitlab Import/Export Not Working in HA mode
- Extra newline in diff for files with windows lineendings
- Merge conflicts are not detected and merges are lost under certain conditions
- 'Expand all' button breaks diff comparison view
- MySQL restore fails - cannot delete tables with cascade
- Markdown Video doesn't work when the referenced video file is in same repo
- Can't create a keep-around reference if lock file exists
- Retry button on Build page displays for users who can't use it
- Search only lists a max of 10 issues/MRs for any given search term
- 500 error on merging branch since last night
- Broken CI status icon on Project dashboard
- RepositoryUpdateMirrorWorker fails when local repository is empty
- MergeWorker fails when attempting to create keep-around reference
- Trying to create new wiki page results in 500
- CI status icons are grey in commits page
- Wiki not visible from web
- EmailsOnPushWorker fails on new branch pushes
- Empty project page does not show Repository section on navbar after creating first branch/file
- 8.10.0 rc11 broken for ce - Invalid cron_jobs config key: 'historical_data_worker'
- Build duration is wrong while build is running
- Pipelines view has manual actions
- Getting a 500 on
- "Owner" level cannot list confidential issues or poll for notes on them
- Can't add new comment in side-by-side view
- No Todo was created for mentioned users on a diff note
- ObjectRenderer read_multi raises and exception when there is no cacheable entries
- Markdown rendering does not work for labels that contains `.`
- Markdown rendering does not work for labels that begin with a digit
- ActionController::UrlGenerationError when creating group with space in group path
- define_show_html_vars fails when Accept: */*
- Issues Last Updated Date when using GitLab Export/Import
- Tooltip is not updated when assignee changed
- 404 when redirecting on error doing an import
- UI Issue on /gitlab-ce/merge_requests/new#
- URL Encoding - Import
- Retrying a deploy doesn't create new deployment
- labels are not imported from
- Clicking the clipboard icon in the collapsed issuable sidebar shouldn't expand the sidebar
- Duplicated discussion on MR diff
- Mirror repository - indicator looks misplaced
- Sidebar pinning state not kept between logins
- 8.9.0 0d457d8: left pane pin does not display, pinned navigation pane does not stay pinned
- 8.9 - UX/UI Design - Empty config icon dropdown for roles with insufficient permissions
- cannot pull public docker image if docker is logged in
- Aliases of award emoji should be stored as original name
- Post Upgrade, One Projects Root Page is not loading
- Gitlab CI `environment` doesn't work when environment name is capitalized
- pre 8.9 wiki pages with white space in name return a 500
- Import/Export - Handle GitLab EE <=> CE exports
- Update builds API after introducing pipelines
- Errors in CI data propagation
- missing avatar or too much space in project page
- Unable to access service from private registry
- Admin -> Git Hooks page form content is not aligned
- Tabbing out of search field doesnt remove focus
- Note on outdated diff is lost
- Build stats is wrong
- retried build status not refresh in pipeline
- No email notification when replying to a line comment on a diff.
- Missing "Pipelines" menu item
- Project Dropdown loads more than necessary
- BUG: JSON file appears when "back" button is pressed on issue page on browser
- Issue filter Author shows incorrect data
- Link on "Get started with Builds" page breaks links to the documentation
- Lost notes
- Using ignore whitespace (?w=1) won't always work on merge requests if source/target branches vanish
- Markdown rendering does not work for consecutive labels that are inside double quotes
- Project deletes after trying to download archive
- Merge request diff comments are not always rendered correctly in discussion
- Deploy key will not allow access to a public project unless it is specifically added
- Release 8.10.12
- Release 8.10.10
- Release 8.10.7
- Urgent: ability to access all user authentication tokens, leads to RCE
- Release 8.10.6
- Release 8.10.5
- 8.10 regression -- unable to select labels using keyboard
- Error when importing a project from another GitLab server
- Release 8.10.4
- Invalid X-Forwarded-For IP 500 Crash with Trusted Proxy
- Release 8.10.3
- Forking a project from one storage to another fails
- Release 8.10.2
- Replies to a diff comment do not show up in the commit
- Branch icon missing from `Builds`
- Release 8.10.1
- Update documentation according to the new multiple repository storage paths feature
- Build duration showing too many digits
- gitlab-workhorse version should be update to 0.7.8 in our documentation
- NewNoteWorker failing repeatedly with "ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments"
- UI help page is broken
- 2fa text input field should be type number
- Issues with imported gitlab exports
- Migration db/migrate/20160715134306_add_index_for_pipeline_user_id.rb is invalid
- "Shortcuts" modal is broken
- Documentation bug in job template section
- Diff page on MRs not loading
- ExternalWikiHelper#get_project_wiki_path is slow
- MR "Expand all" button isn't needed when there's nothing to expand
- Revert the revert of "Allow developers to merge into a protected branch without having push access"
- Project export - Export Project Icon
- Project export - Fails if there is no repository in the project
- Project export - Filename
- Update pipeline/build state icons
- Cloning a gitlab wiki returns the repo, not the repo's wiki
- Protected branch regex also prevents creating new branches
- [meta] 8.10 documentation
- Importing from does not keep issues date the same
- Add icons for branch and tag in pipeline list
- Add blocklist of email domains to restrict sign ups
- Cannot select with enter in a GL dropdown
- Snippets gray row
- Factorise `ButtonHelper#clipboard_button` and `ButtonHelper#clipboard_button_with_class`
- Todos API DELETE endpoints expose request result not todos
- Possible sidebar improvements based
- Styling problem for New Snippet button
- 20160620110927_fix_no_validatable_import_url runs for a long time
- 8.10 Regressions
- Storage path validations fail incorrectly for some patterns
- Button capitalization
- New project page UI issue
- Commit message formatting on a build page
- Visibility of group with only private projects
- Pending tab for builds
- Release 8.10
- Meta issue for UI improvements to CI pages
- Refactor downloading CI Artifact downloads using Gitlab-Workhorse-Send-Data
- Turn off autocomplete on label dropdown for issues/MR's
- Non-helpful flash message when attaching file fails
- 8.9 - UX/UI Design - "Projects" in "group" view should not be hidden in the config icon dropdown
- Setting Icon Placement
- Reference link icon shouldn't have white background
Communicate between Programmers.
#19066 1
- Switch labels and weight.
- GitLab CI templates
- Track user who created a pipeline
- Lower retry setting for import/export sidekiq worker
- Visibility levels config in application settings is not consistent in terms of UI
- Dropdowns should apply any present filter once data is loaded
- Fix all XSS with underscore
- Rename New Pipeline button
- Document how to manually create todos on issues & merge requests
- Enable CSP reporting endpoint in Sentry
- 8.10 CI Plan
- Update compare view dropdowns
- Rename "Retry" button to "Re-deploy" or "Deploy again" or something, for current deploy
- Add artifacts_size to database
- Options dropdown on mobile should be full-width
- Admin links overflow at the top
- Retrieve shared projects via API
- GitHub importer fails when try to import labels where name contains: '?' or '&'
- Files link isn't left-aligned with other items on project home page
- Project dashboard appears to be loading tags on every request
- api/v3: Due date is missing in issues response
- Align flash messages text to the center
- Detect :-) ;-) :-P etc and turn into emoji.
- Allow specifying protected branches using wildcards
- Allow admin to disable SSH or HTTPS clone
- Banzai::Filter::RelativeLinkFilter is slow
- Allow to configure whether or not access request is enabled for a project / group
- Make layout navigation properly centered when setting dropdown present
- SSH page
- redesign project header to match new navigation
- move user details to the top bar
- Graphs and Wiki subnav
- Design "standard" blank slate
- Pipeline view misses when it was created
Scrolling horz on iOS for the secondary nav is broken
#18438 1
- Rendering notes results in a AwardEmoji query being executed for every note
- New sidebar/navbar icons are not better
- Download and notification level buttons are far away from other buttons in the row
- Prettier awardable button
- Change admin navigation to match new UI
- Improve consistency in user interface according to UI guide
- UI Paradigm for Request Access
- Allow scrolling through diff file, also the unchanged parts, for easier context searching
- Don't pluralize pipeline stage headings
- [UX] The "New issue" creation process should end up where it started (e.g. Milestone -> New Issue -> Milestone)
- [Feature] Redesing system issue notifications in comments
- Shorten duration representations in pipeline views
- Access to registry at project with Internal visibility level
- Expose`CI_REGISTRY`, `CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE`, `CI_PROJECT_NAME`, `CI_PROJECT_PATH` to CI as environment variables
- Use Chrome Dev Tools Profiler to find out what code is running slow
- Focus filter with keyboard shortcut
- Have a Jump to Project shortkey
- CI Pipeline ID variable
- Mentions in private repos show up in public places
- Release 8.9
- [UX] Better error notification
- Line number is not 'clickable' in code search results
- Fork page UX is outdated
- Reporters can edit issue descriptions, but not merge request descriptions
- Design updates for Builds & Pipelines
- Pending and Running have the same icon and same color
- Add `warn_on_failure` option on CI builds
- Design: Improve visibility of loading/progress bar
- Improve markdown area UI
- Manual actions to trigger pipeline jobs
- Add gitlab-workhorse version to admin dashboard
- Not obvious how to scroll right when commenting on a long line
- Move Build badges settings to Builds page (or Builds settings)
- Importing from does not keep issues number the same
- Move from jquery-cookie to js-cookie
Sidebar on mobile adds white space to the bottom
#15102 2
- Updating `last_activity_at` and `pushes_since_gc` on every push can block the database
- Ability to add comments to any file when browsing
- Improve UX of left sidebar (navigation)
- Dashboard issue filter not filtering by Assignee in 8.6.2
- Document Emoji Rake tasks
- Bugzilla integration in gitlab
- Migrations should be labeled online or offline
- Add an option to set by default all new users to external
- Add an endpoint to retrieve the latest build artifact for a branch
- Per page Javascript loading
- Allow all deploy keys to be retrieved via API, regardless of project affiliation.
- projects.visibility_level condition should be an OR condition instead of a sub-query in a UNION
- Update architecture overview
- Toggling a task list item in a description with a mention creates a Todo for that mention
- Collapsible diffs in diff view
- Todos API
- Import from GitHub using personal access tokens, not requiring oauth configuration
- Activity view is missing the titles for issues, merge requests etc
- Todos not created when assigning issues to self
POC: Todo's using VueJS for Optimistic JS
#13811 3
- Display login of issue author in issue header
- Optimistic locking for issues and merge requests
- Bring from EE: Share Project with Group
- Unlabeled links and missing page headings
- Group#owners is called by 78 Rails actions while performing rather badly
- Redundant source/target branch elements in merge request web UI
- MR diff view
- Add 'profile' and 'admin area' links to abuse reports
- Allow Slack service to notify status of builds on a different channel
- No password change on the admin edit screen
- Binary File Lock (EE option)
- Implement a new build view
- Conduct user testing
- [API] Issue weight
- Protect new branches based on regex
- Improve handling of user abuse reports.
- Show attached videos inline like images
- Improve UI consistency for admin area
- Keep losing track of Mentioned / Followed issues as there is no storing for them in the current system.
- Commit date show doesn't handle timezone settings
- Mastering Issues
Decouple membership and notifications
#3359 4
- Branches and Protected branches pages should be a single page
- New UI for dropdowns - GitLab SeaHorse
- Implement UI for new project page