expired on Sep 22, 2016
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Select2 fails on project settings page for admins if LFS is enabled
- Impersonate notification looks weird and text is actually invisible
- Setting due date on Safari fails with NaN
- NoMethodError: undefined method `team' for nil:NilClass
- Fix Import/Export issue to do with services
- NameError: undefined local variable or method `request' for #<Grape::Middleware::Error:0x007fc990...
- Deployments don't always have keep-around refs
- Use v-cloak on button text
- Import/Export New models and milestones errors while importing
- Long commit messages overflow viewport in file tree
- Emoji dropdown shows "search results" label several times
- Can't paginate through snippets
- `List-Unsubscribe` header doesn't match spec and doesn't actually result in Unsubscribe button in Gmail!
- References to external JIRA issues causes ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch
- Error 500 loading a merge request: undefined method `map' for nil:NilClass
- Filtering by multiple labels displays hash next to Status Tabs
- Notes on a commit show "Jump to next unresolved discussion" button
- Downloading artifacts for branches/tags button URL is wrong
- Error accessing MR: undefined method `namespace' for nil:NilClass
- NoMethodError: API::Entities::Note missing attribute `note' on #<AwardEmoji:0x00000015142480>
- ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `short_id' for nil:NilClass
- ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `namespace' for nil:NilClass
- ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass
- Merge request "Download as Email Patches/Plain Diff" links provide data for a different MR
- Tags are not available from Repository -> Compare view (gitlab_ce.8.12.0-rc3 / regression?)
- Note footer says "Styling with Markdown and slash commands are supported" on commit page
- Group Members API returning null user details
- API issues sorting specs are not deterministic
- Cannot protect a branch
- Multiple pipeline events were fired for a single pipeline event
- Broken styles of commits search page
- Gitlab::Popen.popen is not thread-safe
- Changing builds feature visibility level in project settings breaks UI
- Link to wiki headlines not working any more
- Deletion of issues does not impact issues/Todos indicators
- NoMethodError: undefined method `ci_id' for nil:NilClass
- Bold text in CI build output not styled
- File execution flag is not preserved when editing files in gitlab
- "Failed to load related branches" error after updating issue
- Allow Git Hooks to be executed in another Ruby env when committing from the web UI
- Counter of group members page is showing total of current page instead of global
- Flash container z-index is higher than the header
- Third-party applications using Gitlab's single sign on feature does not work anymore after 8.10 update
- [Frontend] : Some padding in diff (C++ lang)
- Import error leads to empty repository and inconsistent cache
- Ability.allowed grants certain permissions for non private project members when the user is an assignee or author
- Increased incidents of Error 500s due to inconsistent branch cache state
- Regression: Snippet pagination on user page leads to raw JSON instead of normal webpage
- Issues created through API don't send notifications to label subscribers
- Inconsistent vertical space between lines of push event
- Temporary window size reduction resets pinned state
- Project Snippets page isn't really responsive
- Admin -> Appearance settings save button block is out of content borders
- Honor the "Remember Me" parameter in the U2F authentication flow
- Builds were marked retroactively as failures if any had to be retried
- Cant cancel pipeline
- "Unsubscribe" link in notification emails is triggered by anti-virus software that follows every link
- When commenting on side by side and you choose the left side it doesn't stay there and goes to the right.
- MR diff:invalid expansion of bottom blobs
- RegexpError: end pattern with unmatched parenthesis: /rttvar(/i
- Issue and Merge Request filters have a number of bugs
- Race condition in issue tasks
- Don't time out on large commits
- Search field ignores applied tag filter
- Release 8.12.13
- Release 8.12.10
- Abandoned Release 8.12.9
- Release 8.12.7
- Release 8.12.6
- Release 8.12.5
- Loading an issue take more than 20 secs
- Release 8.12.4
- Release 8.12.3
- Profile dropdown menu is now pop-under, rather than pop-over
- Release 8.12.2
- broadcast message api documentation is not linked in api help overview
- Close button in cycle Analytics introduction widget doesn't work properly
- Release 8.12.1
- API has Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
- Find a proper fix for #22421 / !6455
- Cycle analytics mobile
- Systemic Cross-Site Request Forgery in GitLab API
- Settings show features disabled by default
- Throttle updates to `projects.last_activity_at`
- Build navigator should have stage/job picker above build details
- Similar code found in :class (mass = 78) in `app/services/commits/cherry_pick_service.rb:2` / `app/services/commits/revert_service.rb:2`
- Merge requests not being updated due to broken MergeRequest#reload_diff
- Consider moving `projects.pushes_since_gc` to Redis
- Document how to track custom events
- Missing space between the "Download" and the "Merge Request" buttons in the branches list page
- POST /ci/lint doesn't work
- 8.12 Regressions
- Dynamic environments aka review apps
- Speed up tooltips
- Replace "stages" columns with a pipeline stages column
- GitLab's commit diff retrieval/rendering is bonkers
- db/schema.rb is not up to date
- Show All Pipelines for Merge Requests from All merge_request_diffs
- Refactor merge requests documentation
- Document trigger section in .gitlab-ci.yml docs
- Merge request discussions can't be resolved when running GitLab at a relative URL
- Deleting source project with existing fork link should close all related merge requests
- Modify Broadcast Messages via API
- Release 8.12
- Created pipeline icon is the same as the pending pipeline icon
- Replace FA icon with SVG
- Pipelines tags
- UI/UX improvements for merge request versions feature
- Resolve Merge Conflicts in the UI: Iteration 2
- Collapse parallel builds of similar name on Pipeline graph
- Endpoint metrics are not format specific
- Cycle Analytics: first iteration
- The events table should be pruned periodically
- Issue boards > Add search to all lists
- Display stages in valid order in stages dropdown on build page
- Curve the lines in the pipeline graph
- Move list of builds to bottom of sidebar
- Button alignment bug
- Offline analysis of memory consumption
- Allow access request to be enabled/disabled for groups/projects via API
- Add hover color to emoji icon
- Allow predefined variables for keyword 'image:' in .gitlab-ci.yml
- Handle long variable values better
- Choose the right babel compiler for rails
- Inconsistent badges and counts
- Issue list has checkboxes for bulk edit but merge requests list does not
- When selecting multiple labels when creating/editing an issue/MR, the dropdown only shows the last one selected
- New/Edit MR pages have empty dropdowns for Milestone and Labels
- Selecting a milestone on the New/Edit issue/MR page submits the issue/MR form, without even including the milestone
- New issue/MR dropdowns don't display placeholder and selected value differently
- New merge request form milestone/label selectors display wrong values for MRs from forks
- H1 report: Insecure 2FA/authentication implementation creates a brute force vulnerability
- Remove duplication between project builds and admin builds view
- Repository Page - Reduce cognitive load by right-aligning the Last Update column
- Repository Page - Truncate last commit in table header
- Issues with Repository Page
- Reducing load times of
- Todos rows should have a hover-over state
- Cross-project permissions for CI tokens
- Update projects related API documentation (id can be always namespace + project_name)
- Velocity Analytics
- Banzai::Filter::SyntaxHighlightFilter is slow
- Private token should not be made available on the client side
- Pipeline duration is not right
- As a global admin, enable LFS per repository
- Feature Request: an option to shrink user/project profiles real estate
- Add an API for Pipelines
- Wording of new user email when using LDAP
- Issue Boards
- Already merged items get "Preparing build" notification
- Make emails not look spammy
- Let the user choose target group and namespace on repo import
- Have CI automatically test migration paths
- Add reset button to issues filters
- New Merge Request Taking Too Long 502
- Force LDAP Sync Task
- Project.visible_to_user is rather slow in certain cases
- On signup perform ajax search for username
- Add specs for removing project
- Investigate PhantomJS 2.0 or alternatives
- Increase Ease of Recovery of 2FA recovery codes
- Support for SSH with LFS