expired on Oct 22, 2016
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Z-index issue with builds dropdown
- Weight dropdown in issue filter form does not stay selected with filtered value
- Milestone does not stay selected in search issue dropdown
- Gitlab 8.13 throws 404 on the first level urls
- Error generating labels: wrong number of arguments
- Environments page looks strange on Firefox
- ci_environments_status endpoint returns 404
- Master failures
- The "Save changes" button under the pipelines settings is not working
- Dropdown on new issue always drops up
- Find File: enter key does not open file anymore
- 404 on group page if path contains a dot
- webui doesn't allow to select a custom commit id to compare
- Filtering on "Any Label" or "No Label" does not work
- Merge request cannot be viewed when source project was deleted after it was merged
- Error 404 on any group change operation
- Mail Reply in-line comments
- File viewer header has hover style
- Unable to remove labels using bulk merge request update
- GitHub status page is broken
- When entering two slash commands about labels, only one is interpreted
- Flash alert background makes text unreadable
- Cycle analytics date filter is not working
- Keep scroll location when collapsing sidebar
- iOS: Tooltips in issues do not appear on top stack
- Deploy Environment Widget Hidden
- Last push widget visual bug on files page
- Top right buttons should align with the left edge on the Repository > Files page
- Addressable::URI::InvalidURIError: Hostname not supplied: ''
- "Copy to clipboard" action button has a mismatching white background.
- MR pipelines action dropdowns trigger scrollable block
- "Explore Projects" page filter dropdowns aligned incorrectly.
- Pipeline stuck when the first stage contains a manual job only
- Can set due date through slash commands even though I'm not authorized to
- Make tooltips for mini pipeline graph in pipeline list use the container instead of SVG
- Reset Filters button should be invisible when no filters are active
- Option to choose for "No Issue Template"
- Comparing 2 merge request versions doesn't always show the expected diff
- Error when expiring build artifacts: NoMethodError: undefined method `ci_id' for nil:NilClass
- `Member.add_user`doesn't detect existing members that have requested access
- CI Linter missing tags, only, and environment values
- Diff renders improperly for a symlink -> file conversion
- Re-enable GitLab project import for non-admins
- "Merge when build succeeds" doesn't work
- Disable @ all for non project members
- New issue branch is immediately tagged as "merged"
- `Rugged::RepositoryError` after failed import results in 500 error on projects list
- Network commit hash input placeholder corrections
- Artifacts show up in interface as expired immediately although configured as "1 month" or "4 weeks"
- Revoke button in Applications Settings underlines on hover
- Filters should change issue counts
- Make guests unable to view MRs
- Release 8.13.10
- Release 8.13.7
- Release 8.13.6
- Sortable.highest_label_priority is bugged
- Single project label generation is broken if invoked on the project in the group
- Release 8.13.2
- RCE in project import/export functionality
- Generating default set of labels are broken
- SELECT * from `project_import_data` consumes a lot of DB time
- Reply-by-email stopped working in 8.13
- Release 8.13.1
- Clearing the cache should not flush the Markdown cache by default
- AddUniqueIndexToLabels fails when there are no duplicated ids
- Prioritize Sidekiq queues differently
- Remove extra line when no description is present
- Undefined namespace during import
- Award Emoji for comments aren't working
- Toggling the state of the issuable sidebar causes visual problems with the sticky navbar
- PipelineUpdateWorker still touches FS
- Intermittent spinach failure: undefined method head_commit
- 404 for .../builds/:id/trace.json when not logged in
- No space between buttons on Files page
- Fix spinach tests
- All Sidekiq workers must use their own queue
- Expand/Hide pipeline btn text doesn't match
- Pipeline graph on MR isn't showing up
- Replace "extend self" with module_function in Banzai::Renderer
- 8.13 RC2 increase the number of queries for viewing issues
- Cannot retry a cancelled pipeline
- Username path in Account page shouldn't include `/u` prefix anymore
- 8.13 QA
- Dropdown does not anchor to bottom after filtering
- Unnecessary escaping of commit messages in activity feed
- Build sidebar > selected build
- Pipeline processing broken because of race condition
- 8.13 Regressions
- Slow query on ci_builds when searching for artifacts to remove
- Execute builds and pipeline hook asynchronously
- Issue board > optional default lists
- Project feature checks should not trigger database queries
- Remove CSS Linter for Shorthand Hexes
- Expose the url of the staging/production environment in the environment interface
- GitPushService#perform_housekeeping has high WallTime compare with CPUTime on Sidekiq Workers
- Navigation in left sidebar is broken
- New user page design looks wierd
- Retouch environments list and deployments list
- Add a link to the "Added N commits" note like "Compare with previous version"
- Revert avoid touching file system to check artifact file present
- Improve merge request versions feature
- Release 8.13
- expose koding_enable and koding_url in settings api endpoint
- Banzai::ReferenceParser::BaseParser is executing queries that don't return results
- AbstractReferenceFilter should cache on projects ref cache the current project path with namespace
- [meta] Use LFS for images for gitlab-ce/gitlab-ee repos
- Cycle Analytics environment is case sensitive
- Memoize API::Helpers#secret_token
- Pipeline list commit column width should be adjusted
- Event#try_obtain_lease tends to take a lot of time
- 8.13 CI Plan
- Unable to install development fixtures.
- Expose 'Share with Project' expiration date in the API
- ConnectionPool of Rails.cache connection on threaded context
- Grouped pipeline dropdown should be a scrollable container
- consider updating health_check to 2.2.1 and relax dependency to ~> 2.2
- Similar code found in :defn (mass = 108) in `lib/gitlab/diff/position_tracer.rb:98`/`lib/gitlab/diff/position_tracer.rb:119`
- High complexity in ProjectTeam#fetch_members. Score: 72
- Delete dynamic environments (aka Review Apps)
- Trending projects should be cached
- Show full job name on hover on pipeline graph
- Change "build" wording to "pipeline" in MR Block + add pipeline ID
- Parametrized issue search
- Internal improvements for members
- User profiles
- Searching for commits is case sensitive (GitLab 8.11.4/PostgreSQL 9.2.10)
- Issue number in browser title
- Show deployment date on merge request page
- Cosmetic changes to current pipeline graph
- Document usage of `DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay`
- Distinguish issue/mr headlines from its content
- Cycle Analytics: v1 Rollout
- Make it clearer that diffs can be collapsed
- Option to disable git clone on deployment stage - GitLab CI
- Update members page with new design
- 8.12 CI Plan
- Issue links should have the title
- Getting started - Better empty state for Groups view
- Discussion/Change tabs should be sticky
- Resolve merge conflicts in an editor
- Suggestion: Simplify design of the issues view
- Add "Triggered By" name and gravatar to pipelines
- Support boolean logic in issue/MR filters
- Pipelines for commits
- Add link to assign related MR issues to MR author
- Cache rendered Markdown in the database instead of in Redis
- I would like text to wrap when in Edit mode on web app
- [Feature] TODO notification, when due date is today
- User with guest role can fork project and therefore gain access to the code
- Bad UI for commit page
- Move `/licenses` api endpoint to `/templates/licenses`
- Small commit to new project should be fast
- Issue#closed_by_merge_requests can probably be optimized
- Merge Request Version
- Ability to create labels on the fly
- Better schema dump
- Improve CI e-mail notifications
- [meta] Resolve merge conflicts in the web interface
- consider relaxing request_store dependency