expired on Nov 22, 2016
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Don't trigger ProcessCommitWorker when importing or mirroring repositories
- TypeError: Cannot read property 'initTabs' on commit builds tab
- ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `size' for nil:NilClass
- Random failure in cycle_analytics_events_spec
- `LabelsFinder` returns labels for all projects for an admin
- ArgumentError: invalid base64
- Wrong `render 'index'`, should be `render 'show'` in `Projects::PipelinesSettingsController#update`
- ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `failed?' for nil:NilClass
- Cycle Analytics - Bug in timestamp
- MergeRequestSerializer breaks on `MergeRequest#rebase_dir_path` when source_project doesn't exist anymore
- Toggle commit list not working due to not rebinding turbolink event
- 500 error when group page ends with git
- Labeling system notes downcase labels
- Pipeline failed e-mail: undefined method `trace_html' for `GenericCommitStatus`
- Weird focus state when switching between "Write" and "Preview"
- Problem with groups with "dot" in its name
- Username check on sign-up form doesn't check all namespaces for availability
- Comments section not displaying all comments
- Username field is showing a username is taken when it's not
- Elastic search code search gives no results: Empty results
- Sidebar section "Labels" for Merge Requests does not appear
- When loading a page directly on MR differences, label on right panel disapears.
- Weird/wrong icon for skipped commit
- Missing commit status in commits list
- JIRA service not creating cross reference notes for snippets
- Public Docker Image now requiring authentication
- Broken commit search
- Cannot unselect 'Remove source branch' when editing merge request
- GitHub-imported labels are not applied correctly
- Margins look weird in Project page with pinned sidebar in project stats bar
- Guest sees some repository details and gets 404
- Register Pane Title Missing
- Error 500 on public project with empty team-only-repository
- Colon crashes New Pipeline page
- Members of group that has project access getting 404 on accessing a project issue
- Issue boards becomes invisible with playing back and forward buttons
- Pipeline graph line links do not meet up with every process for stage
- Getting all deploy keys through the API always return 403
- Relative link in wiki don't work from project tab when repository is disabled and wiki is displayed in project page.
- Page scrolls to wrong position when following comment anchor
- 404 on group and profile pages
- Error when generating default labels for projects belonging to a group
- Error when moving issue from team-only issue tracker
- `migration paths` rake task is failing on `master`
- Markdown error: wrong number of arguments rewriting reference
- UpdateAllRemoteMirrorsWorker can fail if `project` is `nil`
- Pipeline status for a commit is not showing the correct status
- No way to enable container registry
- Throws No Route Matches error while editing group path with special character
- Avatar link broken on board page when hosted under sub-directory
- Merge request diff notes are marked as "outdated" after a push when the line in question actually persisted
- Cycle Analytics shows error 500 - Ruby 2.1
- Diff on Merge Requests not showing up
- Default project feature settings are not applied for new projects
- Search for a filename in a project
- Tables pagination is not responsive
- Cannot enable project features with the API
- Issue tooltip will not disappear when going back to the previous page.
- Database migration can lead to invalid group record
- Todos Filter Shows All Users
- Issue visibility not honored for groups
- Disable deselecting calendar days
- allowed_to_fail builds generate Todos
- allow_failure builds generate TODO messages on failure
- Stuck_CI_Builds_Worker marks builds running for more than 2 days as failed
- Improve filter text auto-submit time
- UX issues in CI build trace interface
- Pinned navigation throws off CSS media query breakpoints
- Build page title
- Permalink to collapsed diff line does not work
- Issues search is run on any keyup, even if search terms remain the same
- Wrong Urlencoding when Switching Branch in Graphs / Contributers
- Admin Links to new Group does not respect Default Visibility Settings
- Cannot view MR when commit doesn't have parents
- Do not allow project members to be created at 'owner' level
- Support for Microsoft Exchange MIME-encoded emails - Reply by email
- Files view crashes browser in a repository with 100K branches
- Reference links in a Markdown link remove styling
- Backup restore doesn't clear cache, resulting in missing branches and tags
- Commit status repository requirement is inconsistent
- Release 8.14.8
- Release 8.14.6 [skipped]
- Release 8.14.5
- Upgrading from 8.13.3 to 8.14.4 with invalid utf-8 in commit messages causes the migration to fail
- [SUPERSEEDED] Release 8.14.4
- Error 500 when viewing old merge request
- URGENT Cache invalidation issue in 8.14.x: `Repository#has_visible_content?` erroneously gets set to `false`
- [Overseeded] Release 8.14.3
- XSS when LegacyDiffNote is created on a merge request diff containing HTML
- Release 8.14.2
- Release 8.14.1
- Improve CI Linter error message for a job without a script attribute
- make compare link easily clickable for long commit list after expand
- darker background for skipped pipeline status in MR system info box
- Error 500 on GET trace.json?state=undefined on build with: ArgumentError (invalid base64)
- Creating New Merge Request results in "Source branch does not exist" error
- Weird hover message in skipped pipelines icon in the MR widget
- MR shows "The build for this merge request failed" although builds still running
- Build log does not load for some jobs because of JS error
- 8.14 QA
- CI job `script` should be a required entry
- External issue tracker stopped displaying links in 8.13.5
- FixProjectRecordsWithInvalidVisibility migration times out
- 8.14 rc2 error when committing to a bare repo
- Add Promise polyfill
- Adding a tag via the UI does not fire service hooks
- Remove additional padding on right-aligned items in MR widget
- 8.14 Regressions
- Unable to register names with dot
- Incorrect positioning of mr tabs
- Add blue border to buttons on focus
- Make sure all buttons turn dark on focus
- Release 8.14
- Investigate why importing GitHub PRs is taking too much time
- Introduce round-robin project creation to spread load over multiple shards
- Create a tab shortcut to jump directly to content
- Can't share project with groups
- Builds subtab is missing under pipeline tab
- Improve ee_compat_check task (part 3)
- Pipeline graph dropdowns appear above sticky nav
- Creating a project via JSON API ignores boolean project options
- Introduce concept of creating JSON payload for Vue framework
- Multiple tooltips on build graph
- Activity page does not show commits, comments
- Disabled repos on public projects can still be cloned
- default_projects_features not respected anymore
- Fix typo
- Create a doc for the CE->EE development workflow
- Tabindex on sign-in form is wrong
- Remove extra line from milestone details page when no description provided
- Group labels - database issue ?
- Build sidebar has extra space on Firefox
- GitLab 8.13.0 displays Register, even if Sign-up enabled is not activated
- Update gitlab_git to 10.6.10
- Remove project header tooltips
- Title bar for pipeline details page
- Show full status in pipelines tab in MR/Commit views
- "Copy to clipboard" button on diff file header is ambiguous
- 8.14 Edge Plan
- ProjectCacheWorker is run too often and is too slow
- Information leakage with references to MRs where project is public, but MRs are private
- GitHub import jobs cannot be retried
- 404 when you try to create a new group-milestone
- Move Ci::Pipeline#update_duration to a worker
- MR sticky tabs overlap discussion from anchor
- Remove redundant overrides in ActiveModel association declaraions
- 8.14 CI Plan
- No hover state on trash icon
- Add review apps documentation
- Stop environment link needs to be refactored into a template
- Search Dropdown showing vertical scrollbar
- Cycle analytics: events per stage
- Redesigned sign in form breaks with LDAP enabled
- Caret icon in diff file collapse should be fixed width
- Notifications about actions related to disabled features do appear in activity feed
- The `rake ce_to_ee_merge_check` rake task does not work as expected (or at all)
- 8.13 Edge Plan
- Throttling of Sidekiq jobs
- 8.13 RC2 greatly increases the Redis activity for Projects::IssuesController#show
- Pipeline graph hidden
- Improve build "Retry" button on Build Page
- Auto-close environment when branch is deleted
- Add information about environments to build page
- HackerOne reported issue: Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in project descriptions
- Precalculate authorized projects and store these in the database
- Make OpenShift template to be part of .gitlab-ci.yml templates
- Show "Created" and skipped builds/stages in mini Pipeline Graph in the pipeline list and have a separate "skipped" icon
- ChatOps integration for demo
- Remove links from sidebar that are duplicated on the header
- Add avatar to @ mention dropdown to help recognize users
- Admin/Overview/Users mobile view
- Gitlab-CI getting Access denied only on private projects after upgrade to 8.12.1
- Mattermost slash commands
- Display "folders" for environments
- Cycle Analytics: second iteration
- JIRA service screen: add indications on what certain fields do
- Link from build page to its pipeline
- Build project services in DB only when necessary
- 8.12 QA
- Post deployment migrations
- Allow to configure whether or not Access Request is enabled from Application Settings
- Tabs to swich pipeline view
- [meta] 8.13
- Integrate CI emails into notification system
- Reply by Email: Sentinel support
- Protect repository branch API is broken in 8.11.2
- API: Prioritize Labels
- Issue board: Issue sidebar
- Add better visual for Merged status in an issue
- Add documentation about test coverage regexp for pipelines
- Add new icon for `created` job status in the CI pipeline
- Add setting to only allow merge requests to be merged when all discussions are resolved
- Clean up commit meta info view
- Getting started - Better empty state for Issues view
- Getting started - Better empty state for Todos view
- [Meta] Review apps
- Group level labels
- Redesign group header to match new navigation
- No confirmation email on password reset
- Toggling off/on filters in project activity feed is not obvious
- UI for restricting global visibility levels is unclear
- Fix the Great CHANGELOG Conflict Crisis
- Grape Allowed internal api call is slow
- Suggestions to improve login/signup page
- Add remote issue links to JIRA
- Configurable JIRA plugin
- Removing LFS objects when project is deleted
- Support connecting to Redis Sentinel (EE only)
- consider updating rdoc to 4.1
- Issues can't be closed after JIRA integration
- HipChat notifications are sent as raw markdown