Jan 7, 2017–Feb 21, 2017
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Burndown chart
Burnup chart
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- link to gitlab pages document returns a 404
- Job -> Pipeline
- Enable spam checking for snippets regardless of the visibility
- Pipelines table is not showing branch name for commit
- Transient failure in app/assets/javascripts/commit/pipelines/pipelines_store.js.es6
- Transient failure in spec/features/admin/admin_labels_spec.rb
- Filter JSON files 404 on issues page
- ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `admin?' for nil:NilClass
- Blocked users should not be able to sign in
- Git repository import rake task throws an error in GitLab CE 8.16.3
- Transient failure in spec/controllers/explore/projects_controller_spec.rb:19
- Autocomplete Post to wrong url when not hosting in root (/)
- Transient failure in spec/features/boards/sidebar_spec.rb:189
- Transient failure in spec/features/merge_requests/edit_mr_spec.rb:44
- Pressing Cancel on integration settings page redirects to non existing page
- Broken master
- jqXHR.responseJSON.message is undefined in Safari
- Broken master on Ruby 2.1
- RangeError: 2380645728 is out of range for ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQL::OID::Integer with li...
- Opening link to discussion comment closes discussion
- Environment links not shown in MR widget
- Allow users to request access is borked
- Project visibility settings do not work
- 8.16: Cannot login with 2FA
- Explore page results sorting not working
- Broken anchor link occurs in markdown when special characters is used
- Label autocomplete dropdown temporarily displays "undefined" as the only choice when first opened
- Transient failure in spec/features/issues_spec.rb:387
- "Access denied" when trying to clone a wiki via HTTPS
- Gitlab import error: "Validation failed: User already exists in source"
- Remaining fixes for mattermost and slack command integration page
- Build succeeded -> Job succeeded
- Tech debt: Use vue.js Pipelines table in commit and merge request view
- AutocompleteController#users.json is dreadfully slow (because of bad queries)
- Timelogs should use foreign keys
- Add existing issues to issue board
- Combine Runners and Variables and Triggers and CI/CD Pipelines settings pages
- Users who don't have permission to create merge request can see merge request button (and creating leads to 404) in "Compare" view
- Improve UI of Mattermost and Slack Command services
- Get rid of "Builds", Announce "Jobs" as the new ... word
- Improve styles of Mattermost and Slack messages
- Error importing GitLab Project: bad decrypt
- Stop environments (without stop jobs)
- Vision demo deployments don't seem to work
- Only trigger one pipeline when adding a file in a new branch using GitLab UI
- Ability to set/unset project service trigger events via API
- Use reCAPTCHA when user attempts to create an issue detected as spam
- Rename "Builds" to "Pipelines", "CI/CD Pipelines", or "Jobs" everywhere
- Add GitLab Pages to CE
- GitHub importer fails when source repository (forked) was deleted
- GitHub Import failing with Object not found - no match for id (some_git_hash_here)
- `Browse Files` button not aligned in branch file header
- Truncate job names less aggressively in pipeline mini-graph job drop-down
- Stop using `ActiveRecord::Base.connection` directly
- API - Missing namespace data from projects list endpoint
- Build email doc incorrect
- Issue number alignment bug in issue list
- Job action in pipelines table throws error when clicked
- Job action in pipelines table throws error when clicked
- NameError: undefined local variable or method `define_tree_vars' for #<Projects::RefsController:0x007f1eca87...
- Documentation: Link from kubernetes to in is broken.
- Sidekiq Job error: "ActionView::Template::Error: incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and ASCII-8BIT"
- Build status turns blue on hover
- Avatar misaligned in the builds page
- Comment button doesn't align vertically with line number
- "Fixed" position merge request tabs have extra margin applied in certain viewport sizes.
- Hover state on todos icon/settings has disappeared
- Deselecting a label messes the count of labels
- Problems with checkboxes/tasks and issues
- Avatar uploads do not work v8.15.0
- Pipeline number and URL do not update when new Pipeline is triggered
- MergeRequest API documentation incorrectly lists state_event options
- After upgrade from 8.6.9 to 8.14.0 and then to 8.14.1: fail to fork / move / fork from github
- Possible regression in MR code-review discussions
- Creating a branch matching a wildcard protected branch fails
- Back Navigation Pulls from Stale Cache
- Project settings are hidden on small screens
- Ref Switcher should be improved for performance and to prevent crashes
- Web UI create/delete tag actions do not trigger custom hooks pre-receive/update/post-receive
- NoMethodError: undefined method `ci_id' for nil:NilClass
- Enable HAML-LINT linters
- Manual Jobs don't stop subsequent stages from running
- Release 8.17.5
- Release 8.17.3
- Release 8.17.2
- Single source of truth for GitLab Pages docs
- Release 8.17.1
- Loading icons continue to spin
- Issues with apex custom domains
- Make GitLab Pages easier to use for users?
- Contribution list on profile page is aligned right
- 8.17 Regressions
- OAuth Integration Docs
- [meta] Critical 8.17 frontend issues
- Update docs with new way to add issues (and remove them) to issue boards
- Bulk assign labels dropdown placeholder doesn't match
- Transient failure on Ruby 2.1 in `bundle_rake_spec`
- Update Prometheus documentation to clarify HSTS and Localhost access
- Consider changing the wording of "Expected behavior" and "Actual behavior" in the Bug issue template
- Update Enable or disable GitLab CI docs
- spec/features/issues/filtered_search/dropdown_label_spec.rb takes 10 minutes to run
- Environments list label "Created" should be "Updated"
- jwt gem not locked to a version in Gemfile
- Document that auto deploy only works for public projects
- Unify MR diff file buttons
- NameError: uninitialized constant ApplicationSetting::DEFAULTS
- Release 8.17
- Restrict NodeExporter to listen only on localhost by default
- Pipeline tooltip wrapping
- Duration/timeago column on MR pipelines is too small
- Update documentation on Project Services (Integrations?)
- UX research: issue filter usability testing
- Discussion system notes look mis-aligned with no avatar
- New search bar performs a new request for each 'tag'
- Searching issue filters should be keyboard selectable
- [meta] 8.17
- Reply by Email broken when not using sub-addressing
- Unable to clone - special character password
- memory leak
- [meta] 8.17
- Anticipate obstacles to removing Turbolinks
- import_export members_mapper group scope.
- Make it more obvious what Copy/Paste buttons are actually copying
- template documentation duplication and errors
- Move docs in `project_services/` to `user/project/services/`
- Make it possible to define a coverage regexp in job's configuration in YAML
- Document Confidential Issues