Mar 8, 2017–Apr 21, 2017
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Burndown chart
Burnup chart
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- mailto URI in markdown causes Internal Error 500
- Highlights in search dropdown are escaped after 9.1.3
- @(mention) of issues are not working correctly
- Unable to create new label from board for sub-group project
- Tag sort dropdown is missing initial state
- Navigation menu bugs on the "Contribution Analytics" page
- Changing Users to a more restrictive Permission in a Group causes GitLab error message and 404 errors
- Unable to post comment in MR diff discussion
- Fix usage ping docs link
- Cross-site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in repository "new branch" view
- LDAP Fails on First Login with Sign-up disabled
- Milestone sidebar display incorect number of MR when minimized
- SyntaxError in generating project export e-mails
- Error 500 rendering an issue reference to a project that is in pending_delete
- Blocked pipelines don't show duration
- ci_builds.user_id is used for filtering but is not indexed
- Stale `exists?` cache for repositories
- web_hooks.type is used for filtering but is not indexed
- Error 500 rendering an issue due to Markdown redaction
- Unauthorized disclosure of wiki pages in search
- MR says branch has conflicts but it doesn't
- New container registry presenting invalid (duplicate) path
- Project and group icons should be clickable
- Retry or cancel a non-latest pipeline from the list doesn't expire ETag cache
- API doesn't agree on builds_enabled vs. jobs_enabled
- Testing ChatNotificationService Settings on a empty project triggers 500
- MR Pipeline cancelling is buggy
- Git Repository Network Graph commits out of order
- start discussion toggle clicking divider causes UI break
- Mini pipeline graph + status badge, when updating in real time don't change color and svg icon
- Performance regression in loading issue 1 in 9.1 RC1
- ContainerRegistry::Path::InvalidRegistryPathError on previous valid container registry names
- BuildCoverageWorker undefined method `to_f`
- 500 error on for GitLab CE
- Award button on active comments jumps when hovered over
- Make trace seeking UTF-8 characters aware
- Manage milestones not accessible from menu when external issue tracker in configured
- New MR icon indicates the wrong number of MR
- Re-add description for Pipeline form-field on Mattermost and Slack Notification services
- Recent search history button alignment is off in Safari
- Behavior of "Replace" and "Delete" buttons on blob page is inconsistent with "Edit" button
- Edit blob button doesn't work on Blame page for signed in users without access to the repo
- disappearing menu after scroll to edit a label on the issue board
- Web GUI: Unable to create new branch from commit SHA
- GitLab 9.0, dependency [] does not prevent download of artifacts
- Reopened MRs do not get "new code pushed" events
- Changing group name with subgroups causes repository disappearance
- Owner Permissions Not Carried Down to Subgroups
- ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `full_path' for nil:NilClass
- Unfiltered `class` attribute in Markdown code
- Remove legacy code from ProcessPipelineService
- Owner Can't Initialize Git Repo for new project in group
- `GET /projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/comments` and `POST /projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/comments` are not documented
- Upgrade to 9.0 — documentation problems (installation from source)
- Duplicates Push and Pull Request Hooks
- Changing a subgroup's path breaks links to files uploaded in projects within that subgroup
- ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `type_for_attribute' for Commit:Class
- Labels icon is missing in the collapsed sidebar
- Unauthorized Bitbucket importer access results in Error 500
- Error 500 due to `nil` route name
- No method `commit_file` for Gitlab::Git::Repository when calling `CreateBranchService#create_master_branch`
- ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError: Attempted to update a stale object: Ci::Build
- Unable to save application settings
- Create a new merge request from url provided by terminal does not fill the source branch
- Unable to assign issue to yourself using the dropdown
- NoMethodError: undefined method `id' for nil:NilClass
- Pagination buttons in personal projects point to json URLs
- Body height being limited appears like a white block on the bottom of the pages
- Branch creation using API v3 is broken on
- ActionView::Template::Error: wrong argument type nil (expected Regexp)
- Searches take long or time out
- The "Related Merge Requests" widget cannot handle our success
- Diff comment avatars incorrectly escape
- Merge request marked as "Merge when pipeline succeeds" got merged immediately
- name of the uncompressed folder of a tag archive changed
- Issues count sometimes NaN when issue closed/reopened
- Quick submit form is not working in Preview tab
- Not all tags are discoverable in compare view
- Issue/merge request filter on mobile
- Visit a project with only `issues` feature on will get HTTP 500 error
- Pipelines tab grows in size if selected after changes tab
- Todos index is way slower in 9.0 RC2
- Duplicate pagination on explore groups page
- 500 errors when viewing issues with certain award emoji
- Private project name disclosure in merge requests
- "New comment" button floats too far to the left of diff on commit page
- Transient failure of spec/features/issues/filtered_search/filter_issues_spec.rb
- Faulty diff avatar behavior when commenting on diff discussion on MR Discussion tab
- JS error when commenting on commit diff discussion on MR Discussion tab
- Add more global minimum sync time options to the admin dashboard
- Tag push rule prevents tag deletion from Web UI
- Create group called 'project' then rename cause alll project avatar lost
- Transient failure in spec/features/issues/filtered_search/dropdown_author_spec.rb
- Improvements to nested group feature
- Transient failure in spec/requests/api/commits_spec.rb
- Transient failure in spec/features/merge_requests/edit_mr_spec.rb:44
- Possible transient failure in spinach tests
- Permissions broken after upgrade to 8.15
- Transient failure in spec/features/expand_collapse_diffs_spec.rb:271
- Make `spec/mailers/notify_spec.rb` more robust
- [meta] API v4
- Clicking on `Monitoring` button from Environment list opens page in new tab
- Placement of "monitoring" and "view deployment" buttons is inconsistent
- Follow-up from "Escape route path for LIKE queries"
- Return polling interval for frontend on endpoints with polling
- Improve Environment Performance UX
- Display Prometheus button by default, and add empty/error states
- Edit file should guide you properly if you don't have the proper authorizations
- Automatically configure Kubernetes for project when GitLab is installed in cluster
- Use the v4 API from the frontend
- Project Members list should list all members of all ancestor groups
- Pipeline notification emails sent to the wrong user
- Expandable folders for environments
- Deleting a user shouldn't delete associated records
- Triggers for closing JIRA issues not working
- Auto deploy private projects
- Auto deploy apps with databases
- Add pipeline mini-graph to system information box in Commit View
- New interface for boards search and filter
- GitHub import process is extremely slow
- Periodically save last activity date data from Redis to the database
- Performance issues when processing large build traces with Ansi2html
- Pipelines empty state
- Projects::BuildsController#index is REALLY slow due to SQL
- Automatically remove repeated labels in issue search bar
- View recent searches in the issue search bar
- Add a `closed_at` attribute to issues
- Style and format issue board cards
- Get ElasticSearch in shape
- Remove view fragment caching for project READMEs
- Merged request giving 500 on project import
- Preventing Users from disconnecting GitLab account from CAS
- View issue title real-time updates
- Quiet pipeline emails by default for successful builds
- View helpful system note in comment threads
- Environments manual actions should only be available when `playable`
- Ability to make a comment `unresolved` or `needs resolving`
- Add /health endpoint to track application readiness
- closed issue disappears from board
- Microsoft Teams integration
- Set `GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=0` env var in initializer
- Simplify milestone summary
- Use Strong parameters in Projects::WikisController
- New issue button redirects you to create a new issue after logging in
- Restrict tag pushes
- Support specifying a multi-level image name in Gitlab Container Registry
- Periodically mark projects that are stuck in importing as failed
- Support merge=union from .gitattributes when evaluating merge conflicts
- Very slow rendering of large build logs in Chromium
- Favicon on build status change
- Cancel potentially redundant pipelines automatically
- Update pipelines table in real-time
- Test both PG (PostgreSQL, Postgres) and MySQL for CE on GitLab CI
- Content Security Policy Blocking Sketch 43 Previews
- email test issue feature doesn't find project
- Some Registry names are incorrect, leading to incorrect paths
- Error 500 rendering an issue due to Markdown redaction
- MR Pipelines tab showing content and API error state
- Blocking manual jobs show up as skipped until refresh
- The Registry tab is not highlighted when on the Registry page
- 2 pipelines tables in Merge request page
- Merge vue common folders into one
- 500 error on issue page
- Encoding::UndefinedConversionError: "\xE2" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8
- inline issue and merge request mention status indicator shows up in wrong system notes
- Issue boards drag is not working properly
- Support Kubernetes 1.6 for Prometheus
- No issues to show splash should be centered
- Stop emoji button from moving around
- Pipeline's stages dropdown not displaying properly when container is small enough
- Issue count in header uses different scope than the resulting list
- Build trace is not refreshing after complete
- Improve Container Registry UI
- Setting an MR to merge upon pipeline success can lead to it being merged before all pipelines complete
- Status icons overlap sidebar on mobile
- Undefined behavior in User#abuse_report
- Environment deploy to tooltip
- Highlighting search results is broken
- Not given option to set root password in master
- admin fixture fails to create root user in master
- EE compat check failing with "undefined local variable or method `ee_branch`"
- Pages under Pipelines Environments and Jobs do not correctly highlight navigation
- Milestone start and end dates change unexpectedly on edit
- API deploy_keys: can_push is not honoured
- Textarea loses focus when appending an image and stops being scrollable
- Fix pagination icons in vue component
- Jira service description links to /help/project_services/jira, which is dead
- New default project view not working for me on
- Form alignment in Mattermost notifications form is off
- No method `commit_file' for Gitlab::Git::Repository when calling `CreateBranchService#create_master_branch`
- Missing options when seeding cycle analytics
- NoMethodError: undefined method `destroy' for nil:NilClass
- When using dropdowns or search in add issues modal should provide feedback
- After creating new board the system should navigate to it
- Pipelines on merge requests is scrollable when dropdown is open
- Mark all as done button is not aligned with the rest of the buttons
- Tooltips in action buttons in pipelines table are cut off
- Pipelines page on commit occupies only a part of the screen
- Pipeline shows commit authored date as triggered date
- Award emoji alignment seems off
- Buttons in environments show view do not match the ones in index view
- AuthorizedProjectsWorker.bulk_perform_async should specify a queue
- Editing issue description creates new todo for people who were already mentioned before the edit
- Project name cut off with nested groups
- right sidebar open by default on mobile
- Just show the coverage of a pipeline if the pipeline has it
- MR diff comment form is in wrong place when switching between Inline/Side-by-side in a different tab
- URLs with .git extension no longer work in the browser
- Intermittent spec failure in spec/requests/api/commits_spec.rb
- Run a manually triggered job a second time, and get a 404 error.
- HipChat build notifications not working in v8.14
- Contribution Analytics fails with 502 error
- Opening Retry build button on merge requests page in new tab / window doesn't work
- {gitlab-root}/{group}/{project}/issues.atom: XML element <UPDATED> not changing on update
- Improve Container Registry description
- User Cohort Insights
- Add a message asking to enable usage ping feature to administrators
- Projects::MergeRequestsController#commits is slow due to SQL
- Projects::MergeRequestsController#diffs is slow due to SQL
- Projects::MergeRequestsController#new is slow due to SQL
- Use hashie-forbidden_attributes now that the API is Grapified
- Merge Requests performance on Discussion tab
- Closed issues should be displayed differently
- Release 9.1.4
- related merge request items not centered horizontally
- Release 9.1.2
- Release 9.1.1
- MR Target branch dropdown selector rendering is broken
- Improve canary deployment docs
- Update auto deploy documentation for postgres and private project support
- Add discussions docs
- User cohort: explain what inactive users are
- Project export fails completely
- Fix doc (section was included in the middle of another section)
- Set smaller number of retries for `WebHookWorker`
- Notes not ordered correctly
- Legacy notes should be fa-diamond in 9.1 RC2
- Display issuable state only in notes
- Remove recent searches from issue boards
- Pipeline quote settings is pointing to audit events
- 9.1 Regressions
- 9.1 regressions
- Update system note icon design
- Rename build minutes to pipeline minutes
- Extra gray bar between Activity graph and Most Recent Activity
- Improve support for long build traces
- Update Health Check Documentation
- Release 9.1
- Update Prometheus Integration Documentation for 9.1
- karma tests failing due to PDF renderer
- Doc incomplete - todos
- HackerOne reported issue: Stored XSS in git submodule support
- Transient failures in spec/features/admin/admin_health_check_spec.rb
- The docs:checks:* CI job should fetch deeper
- Documentation for auto-cancelling pending pipelines on branch, if they are not HEAD
- Update documentation for Kubernetes Service
- Expandable folders for environments
- Documentation for running CI/CD pipelines on a schedule
- Limited container width causes project view page content to wrap
- Add remove_concurrent_index to remove indexes concurrently on PostgreSQL
- Negative margins on scrolling tabs fade causes page to scroll horizontally
- Allow users to import GitHub projects to subgroups
- Transient failure in spec/finders/issues_finder_spec.rb
- `Settings.mattermost` is set but never reset in some specs
- Banzai::Filter::MergeRequestReferenceFilter has three N+1 query problems
- Documentation: Add to FE documentation entry about kebab-case props
- Incorrect displayed time of /estimate in issues
- Pipelines table shifts on `retry` hover
- Transient failure in spec/services/chat_names/find_user_service_spec.rb
- Transient failure in spec/services/issuable/bulk_update_service_spec.rb
- Update documentation to reflect Prometheus monitors k8s by default
- Rename all issues to open issues in add issues modal
- Filtered search does not reset the filter applied to the dropdown
- Double clicking visual token name creates javascript error
- Decide upon how to handle polling from FE
- Make eyeball lib publishable and use it in GitLab
- Add support for .vue files
- Make modal sizes consistent and mobile friendly
- Negative approvals in Merge request
- Change Done column to Closed in issue boards
- Unable to get GitLab Pages Daemon working
- Ancestor groups should be hidden in the share group dropdown list
- `rspec-retry` is bitting us when some API specs fail
- Update `.gitlab-ci.yml` templates to use new variables
- Resolve discussion icon is misaligned
- Add system note icons to profile page
- HackerOne reported issue: Links in Environments tab vulnerable to tabnabbing (target=_blank without noopener, noreferrer)
- Documentation regarding downloading repository archives is wrong
- Build Status Icon from Project Dashboard Can Link to Wrong Commit
- Default snippets to Everyone has access
- Update Pipelines documentation
- Port usage ping from EE to CE
- Get gitlab-git-test in dev as a mirror and update dev to use that as a seed
- Make the repository view the default
- Zero-downtime migrations
- Make file templates easy to use and discover
- @user mentions should not be case sensitive
- Don't close builds dropdown after clicking on a build
- Option to create issue with all unresolved discussions from an MR
- All the steps required to bring usage ping to CE
- Replace Group Settings with a tab
- Sub groups