expired on Jan 1, 2020
Next 2-3 months
Bigger issues we plan to ship in the next 2-3 months, but don't have a designated release yet.
DO NOT add small changes, bugs, regressions to this milestone.
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
- Add global tags
- Changing "Due dates" do not create system notes
- discussions.json takes several seconds to even start after loading of page
- request to change xterm colours for CI build trace for better readability and accentuation of BOLD
- Make issue search filter autocomplete everything
- Create template for deploying to PCF using CF CLI
- Redesign CI/CD linter to make it use new backend classes
- Username and password should only be required for JIRA service when used
- When creating MR from issue, make it easy to edit files
- Merge request email patches and plain diff dropdown
- Removing assignee is uninformative
- Show a badge for "staff" users
- Block a user at the group level
- Combine todo, subscribe, move functions in the issue sidebar
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Large push is duplicated every 16 minute in activity stream in what seems to be an infinite loop
- Header counter shows wrong information
- Merge in progress for hours
- Issues sidebar is inconsistent with new navigation sidebar
- Consistently rendering linked objects in GitLab
- Add API call to flush caches of a namespace or project
- [meta] Animate all the things!
- Establish a GraphQL API plan