Used with the following, where 6000025 was a project with 2.5million issues, and project 12 had 100,000 issues of which 10,000 were open.
raw_bench_export(project_id: 6000025) raw_bench_export(project_id: 12) bench_render('render 2.5 million', project_id: 6000025);nil bench_render('render 10,000', project_id: 12, state: 'opened');nil free_run(project_id: 6000025) free_run(project_id: 12, state: 'opened') bench_export('2.5 million issues', project_id: 6000025) bench_export('90,000 issues', project_id: 12, state: 'closed') bench_export('10,000 issues', project_id: 12, state: 'opened')
Also used these to generate random data:
def random_data(tempfile, megabytes) require 'securerandom' kb = SecureRandom.hex( 1024 / 2 ).freeze (megabytes * 1024).times { tempfile.write( kb ) } end File.open("./large.file", 'w'){|f| random_data(f, 10) } # random_data(tempfile, 10) # 10MB ~= 100,000 issues # puts ('%.2f' % (tempfile.size.to_f / (2 ** 20))) + 'MB'
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