<p>The linear algebra package for Parrot is available separately and provides functionality required by Matrixy. This includes matrix data types and matrix manipulation libraries</p>
<h2><ahref="#___top"title="click to go to top of document"name="BUILDING">BUILDING</a></h2>
<p>Once all dependencies are in place, you can build Matrixy using this sequence of commands:</p>
<pre> perl Configure.pl
nmake test</pre>
<h2><ahref="#___top"title="click to go to top of document"name="TODO">TODO</a></h2>
<pre> * Parser
* Standard Builtins
* Test against Octave Test Suite.</pre>
<h2><ahref="#___top"title="click to go to top of document"name="BUGS">BUGS</a></h2>
<h2><ahref="#___top"title="click to go to top of document"name="CONTACT">CONTACT</a></h2>
<p>If you need to contact the Matrixy team, go to the project home page at:</p>