Add initial GitLab CI configuration file
Merge request reports
cc @rspeicher
Added 1 commit:
- 20c44c78 - Add initial GitLab CI configuration file
Added 1 commit:
- 95bb514d - Use docker with dind to setup gitlab service
This is currently blocked by, but we will fix the problem behind it soon.
Reassigned to @rspeicher
Added 1 commit:
- ee90f0e2 - Adjust tests configuration
@grzesiek I've added an experimental version of runner to the project and I've also updated a little the tests configuration. Builds are running - now it's up to you! Make them doing everything that is important! :)
Edited by Tomasz MaczukinAdded 1 commit:
- 274e1cf8 - Add waiting loop checking GitLab accessibility
Yay! Thanks @tmaczukin!
Added 1 commit:
- 10fe88c3 - Move prepare steps to separated file - will be changed to Dockerfile later
mentioned in issue omnibus-gitlab#1455
@tmaczukin I improved your scripts a little. I think we can merge it now, and work on extending specs.
@rspeicher Please review, thanks! :)
Reassigned to @rspeicher
mentioned in merge request !2 (merged)
Added 1 commit:
- e7fc4cf6 - Improve prepare/wait init scripts for Docker env
@rspeicher I will go ahead and merge it if build succeeds to carry on with writings tests. I you have suggestions about improving this test harness we can do that in separate MRs.
Reassigned to @grzesiek
Enabled an automatic merge when the build for e7fc4cf6 succeeds
mentioned in commit b4946037
mentioned in commit 403e5225