Distributed, but not Shared Cached
So now i got my runner on bleeding edge and i am very happy that distributed caching is working, BUT... in a way that doesn't really make sense to have a distributed cache at all!
If i have two runners (runnerA, runner B) and they both run a job that creates a cache file, those cache files are being uploaded into my (Minio) bucket "gitlab-ci" with these paths:
- gitlab-ci/runner/runnerA/project/123/master
- gitlab-ci/runner/runnerB/project/123/master
It's great that they're caching, but wouldn't it make more sense to have them upload into:
- gitlab-ci/runner/project/123
So that all runners can share(!) that cache, instead of just distributing it to a different host?
And while we're at it, can we drop the "/runner" (or make it a configurable prefix, e.g. append it after the bucket name and split that string by '/')?
Maybe also add the file extension to the file (.zip, i guess).
But maybe this all is also my fault, because i'm using 'key: ${CI_BUILD_REF_NAME}', so let me know if that's the case! ;-)
But as always: thanks adding this feature, much appreciated! =)