Add a way to change CheckInterval/UpdateInterval/HealthyChecks at runtime
first, thanks a lot for the runner. We are trying it for our own GitLab CI infrastructure.
One problem we have is the aggressive check interval of 3 seconds. Every 3 seconds, we have a new connection to the CI. This cause some troubles with our throttling limits on the CI server.
In our case, we think that we can change this 3 seconds timeout to something higher, like 30 seconds or even 1 minute. This will help us in the deployment of the runners.
Is it possible to add some configurations for some of the values in common/consts.go? The most importants are I think CheckInterval, UpdateInterval and HealthyChecks. (and maybe MaxTraceOutputSize, but it's not related to this issue.
Thanks in advance for your answer.
-- Olivier