Currently, the only way to make use of a Docker image that sets ENTRYPOINT seems to be to create and publish another Docker image based off the original, but setting ENTRYPOINT to an empty array. (as discussed in gitlab-org/gitlab-ci-multi-runner!21) This becomes an issue when you have several third-party images you need to use (e.g., the 5 most recent releases of Node.js), especially if you also want to stay up to date with the latest versions of those images.
Instead, I'd like the ability to override ENTRYPOINT with an option in .gitlab-ci.yml. Similar functionality is already provided by docker-compose (using the entrypoint option), and docker run supports overriding ENTRYPOINT using the --entrypoint command-line option.
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I'm currently working on a build pipeline -- and I can see several more clones of this -- that takes the following path:
Build and publish container with fairly substantial python environment
Execute script(s) on that container to reconfigure deployment environment (e.g. database migrations)
Deploy container to cluster
The container uses a combination of ENTRYPOINT and CMD to provide default arguments and allow the deployment to pass/override arguments at runtime. I don't want to have to specify the entire command line on my deployments if I want to provide extra arguments and I don't want to build and publish multiple versions of the container when there is already a method (within Docker) for overriding ENTRYPOINT.
It is really a show stopper, most of the images have custom entry points from maven to kubectl to node...
We needed kubectl, and since it supports config from standard input, we could use a docker image and use the kubectl via docker run. But that was a lucky case, you can not do that with maven for example...
@ebuildy I would be very hesitant to implement all docker run parameters, as they could be used to escape the docker container. They should probably be implemented individually.
Don't want to be smartass, but I think fixing the entrypoint first and think about other options later would be a perfect Christmas gift for the people struggling with this.
Part of me really hates replicating all these pieces in docker compose (and kubernetes, and thousands of other places) to make yet another way to run Docker. I wish we could literally just use docker compose for this. Or worst case, make it syntax compatible.
@markpundsack Making it possible to embed docker compose YAML into .gitlab-ci.yml is very interesting concept. Unfortunately it probably would require much more work on the GitLab Runner side. What do you think @ayufan?
In GigLab 9.0 and Runner 9.0 we're changing API in the way that will make much easier to implement such change. After 9.0 will be released I'll look at this problem and probably implement it together with entrypoint for services and services aliases.
But the problem is that we're not just passing the script as a command; we're explicitly telling it to run sh and there's no codeclimate sh command.
So don't we need to override the entry point for all images? e.g. rather than:
docker run <image> /bin/sh <script>
docker run --entrypoint /bin/sh <image> <script>
Except, perhaps, not using a full path to sh. (I have no idea how the runner actually works, the above is meant to be semantically correct, not factually correct.)
@markpundsack I've not used ENTRYPOINT in anger so far, but from what I know of the script-generation code, overriding the entrypoint for all images should be pretty easy - we expect it to be sh, and there's a flag to set it.
Supporting arbitrary interpreters, as in your second codeclimate example, is considerably harder. Right now we generate a large sh script based on the script directives, but also containing lots of important setup, and all that would get in the way of using codeclimate as the entrypoint.
I expect we'd have to add a new directive (args:?) to be used instead of script. The image would still lack the setup though.
To get that working, perhaps we could switch to building a custom image on top of the specified one... but we'd need to do this for every build.
@rabbitfang I just wanted write the same. We already have plan (moved from 9.2 to 9.3) to allow configuring a service alias. Work is ongoing in gitlab-ce!8578 and #1466 (closed). Having changes in GitLab CE/EE and support for it in Runner, extending the support on image: setting and adding entrypoint: parameter should be easy.
@bikebilly My understanding is that no one is depending on existing entrypoints being respected because we almost explicitly break them. We prefix the script with bin/sh or something similar, so unless your entrypoint was expecting to wrap bin/sh, it'll fail. It would be a different story if we were respecting the entry point and passing on the script unaltered. e.g. you have an ENTRYPOINT of bin/codeclimate and then have a script of analyze, with the effect being to run bin/codeclimate analyze. But we don't.
@ayufan In what circumstances would you need to specify an entrypoint other than /bin/sh? As @nick.thomas pointed out, we prepend some set commands to the script, so we depend on the entrypoint understanding at least some shell syntax. I suppose someone might prefer /bin/bash instead of /bin/sh, or even /bin/zsh or whatever. Or perhaps you installed sh in a different directory. Or perhaps you're running Docker on Windows, which we don't actually support yet, but could, and would likely require a different entry point. But those feel like edge cases unrelated to the crux of the current issue, which is that any image with an ENTRYPOINT defined just fails. And we can fix the primary issue by just ignoring any entrypoint set in the image.
Yes, we are looking mostly at allowing you to overwrite it to /bin/sh, but also just because this mechanism will be generic to services you will be able to run service command with different params. For image: in almost all cases, you will want to use /bin/sh|bash.
@ayufan So what I'm suggesting is that rather than making a new keyword that lets you work around the problem, how about just ignoring all entrypoints (or forcing entrypoint to /bin/sh) so it works for (nearly) all cases by default. Then as a separate issue, consider adding an explicit entrypoint keyword, but as a much lower priority issue. i.e. wait until someone actually has one of the mythical use cases for custom entrypoint.
I'm afraid that by focusing on the keyword, you're still requiring people to know to override the entrypoint, and you're pushing the knowledge and work onto the user, when that can be avoided.
Yeah, but in some cases, usage of entrypoint is just a good way to drop you into preconfigured shell. This is what happens with docker:git where when you are dropped into the shell you can effectively execute commands in that context before.
Making our entrypoint to be /bin/sh now is breaking change, and we should not do it. The problem is probably different and we should probably focus next on solving that problem is our usage of docker containers.
Maybe we look at executing default entrypoint, but with a custom command, as this is usually what you want to do, and also this is the workflow that you see in readmes when you have docker run. Not running default entrypoint usually forces you to replicate all this internal setup that usually happens in entrypoint, as it is put on purpose.
I wonder if we don't want to actually solve that problem differently, by executing a sequence of containers (with their default entrypoints, or overwritten ones) with commands instead of script:.
codeclimate:steps:-image:codeclimate# use `docker run` style of executioncommand:run-my-arguments-image:alpine# use current shell execution modelscript:-echo Hello World
Yeah, but in some cases, usage of entrypoint is just a good way to drop you into preconfigured shell. This is what happens with docker:git where when you are dropped into the shell you can effectively execute commands in that context before.
@ayufan Can you elaborate on this? I understand the value of entrypoints for CLI-based docker run usage, but my understanding is that with GitLab CI, any image with an entrypoint just breaks.
Making our entrypoint to be /bin/sh now is breaking change, and we should not do it.
What exactly would it break? Maybe I'm missing something, but I haven't seen anything that would break.
It would break images that depend on a custom entry point to start system services. (for example a virtual display driver in ci for testing with chrome).
That custom entry point script just passes all parameters to /bin/sh after launching the services - so you overwriting that would break it. Quite a few other containers use this way to start required services too. This is in conflict with setting everything to /bin/sh - so the only way to not break anything, and allow us to use images with a entrypoint that not passes commands to /bin/sh is to give us an option to define a custom entry point. This is the only solution which would work for all images.
My team is currently looking to use the standard tools for CI/CD with GitLab and I'm doing some research to see if it meets our needs. I came across this issue and thought I would give our use case and the issue this would provide us.
This would be a problem for us if a user could override an ENTRYPOINT in the gitlab-ci.yml. Our use case is to provide shared runners to our teams that will perform common services. These runners are running on AWS EC2 instances that have permissions that we wouldn't want the users to be able to call directly. So if they could override the entrypoint the could potentially perform AWS calls to resources they shouldn't be able to access.
If this is pursued, I would think there should be a way to disable it through the runner/executor for docker.
It's the entrypoint of the docker container. Docker containers are isolated from the host and have no way to access/run commands on the host (AWS EC2).
Or are you somehow passing your access credentials to each container / have a custom container to access aws resources?
There is nothing special being done. We have Docker installed on the EC2 instance and are running the multi-runner on that instance. The containers use the EC2 instances Instance Profile as credentials. I've verified that scripts run in a container use the EC2 instance profile as the default credentials.
@gregory.mcdaniel interesting. You could mount some volumes with your shared runners that would give the runners access file such as creds but you would have to intentionally set this up. I am actually wanting dedicated runners with authorization to hit the AWS API.
What about network reachability from the runner to that is reachable from the EC2 host - this is where the SDK gets its token from IAM Service Roles. Maybe you need to have shared runner config override this (and maybe passing this on is my solution too).
I'm not sure I'm completely follow. I'm not an expert with Docker but it is definitely able to hit the meta-data and use the instance profile. We don't use long lived credentials in AWS for security purposes so we couldn't use a credential file for the purpose of our tasks. Plus if we did it would have the same permissions, how would I be able to prevent the team from using them since they would still need mounted?
Thank you for sharing the experience - that the meta URL is reachable from the shared runner. This is good news for me. In my case the EC2 will only have the limited permissions that I want the build to have.
In you case, perhaps the runners need to be split on to different EC2 based on which service roles you want the builds to have access to? The runners can be configured to only accept jobs from registered projects.
Are you using ECS? I wonder if the runner can be a service task and then you can use IAM to give different service roles per runner directly. If you are doing something custom maybe you could adapt kube2iam
Anyway, prob hijacking this thread and there are other issues discussing this such as #2451 . I think the AWS perms is unique to how we run the runner in AWS and not whether or not we can override the entry point.
No problem. If we were going to go down the role of creating specific AWS resources to call, etc. We would probably go down one of two routes, either writing our own app and api to call from a service or writing a custom runner altogether.
We liked the current functionality of being about to specify an ENTRYPOINT for the docker image and throwing out the script, that way we control our common service and it's access to resources that we need to provide the service. We already have it configured so only certain jobs are accepted by the runners but if the users can override the entrypoint then they can do whatever they want on the runner.
I’m having issues with this too but I don’t believe simply overriding the entrypoint is the solution. Take for instance my luacheck image. The entrypoint is the luacheck executable and the default CMD is ., so that people can run this container simply by mounting code to /data (because that’s the default WORKDIR).
What I would like to do on .gitlab-ci.yml is something like this: