unknown command sh
I apologize if this isn't the proper place for this question (it's likely an issue with the codeclimate docker image) but I wasn't able to find anyone else working on this sort of integration. Any tips would be appreciated.
I'm trying to run the code climate platform with gitlab ci & running into an unexpected problem.
This build script
# .gitlab-ci.yml
image: codeclimate/codeclimate
script: codeclimate analyze
produces this output
gitlab-ci-multi-runner 1.3.2 (0323456)
Using Docker executor with image codeclimate/codeclimate ...
Pulling docker image codeclimate/codeclimate ...
Running on runner-8-project-1-concurrent-0 via runner-8-1-1-f...
Cloning repository...
Cloning into '/builds/me/myapp'...
Checking out 8828f4f4 as experiment/codeclimate...
unknown command sh
unknown command sh
ERROR: Build failed: exit code 1
I tried to debug locally by running
docker run -it codeclimate/codeclimate /bin/sh
and get the same result
unknown command /bin/sh
Which is confusing me, since the base container has /bin/sh
as it's CMD
Oddly enough, it is possible to override the entry point & successfully run /bin/bash
by doing something like
docker run --interactive --tty --entrypoint /bin/sh codeclimate/codeclimate
But, I'm not sure where/how to do something like that in my .gitlab-ci.yml