unable to use image: composer/composer
unable to use composer/composer image.
i am using docker rexecutor and in YAML image: composer/composer
Checking out bb43d9f4 as ci...
The "-c" option does not exist.
show [--all] [-i|--installed] [-p|--platform] [-a|--available] [-s|--self] [-N|--name-only] [-P|--path] [-t|--tree] [-l|--latest] [-o|--outdated] [-D|--direct] [--] [<package>] [<version>]
The "-c" option does not exist.
show [--all] [-i|--installed] [-p|--platform] [-a|--available] [-s|--self] [-N|--name-only] [-P|--path] [-t|--tree] [-l|--latest] [-o|--outdated] [-D|--direct] [--] [<package>] [<version>]
ERROR: Build failed: exit code 1
this is because the runner executes:
docker run composer/composer sh -c 'date'
The "-c" option does not exist.
the way i see it could be solved, is to reset entrypoint
of the image with /bin/sh
$ docker run --entrypoint /bin/sh composer/composer -c 'date'
Thu Sep 1 09:30:43 UTC 2016
the image itself has defined:
# Set up the command arguments
CMD ["-"]
ENTRYPOINT ["composer", "--ansi"]