OSX plist SessionCreate=true fails with error status 65
codesign consistently fails when a new runner sessions are created. This seems to be the desired setting, but when SessionCreate is set to false, the build passes and codesigning works.
- gitlab-ci-multi-runner stop
- vi ~/Library/LaunchAgents/gitlab-runner.plist; observe SessionCreate=true
- gitlab-ci-multi-runner start
- Trigger build; ALWAYS fails with error status 65.
(retrying the EXACT same commit/build with SessionCreate=false)
- gitlab-ci-multi-runner stop
- vi ~/Library/LaunchAgents/gitlab-runner.plist; change SessionCreate=false
- gitlab-ci-multi-runner start
- Trigger SAME build (rebuild); ALWAYS passes with error status 0.
It doesn't seem desired to have SessionCreate set to false -- is there a workaround for this?