Checking GitLab compatibility... not-compatible
Getting "Checking GitLab compatibility... not-compatible " My gitlab CE and gitlab runner both is above 9.0
Components Check
GitLab 9.2.5
GitLab Shell 5.0.4
GitLab Workhorse v2.0.0
GitLab API v4
Git 2.11.1
Ruby 2.3.3p222
Rails 4.2.8
postgresql 9.6.1
gitlab-runner --version
Version: 9.2.0
Git revision: adfc387
Git branch: 9-2-stable
GO version: go1.7.5
Built: Mon, 22 May 2017 16:00:24 +0000
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Steps to reproduce
Install gitlab runner 9.2.0
Install gitlab server CE 9.2.5
Run you servers
Relevant logs and/or screenshots
ERRO[0840] Checking GitLab compatibility... not-compatible reason=GitLab Runner >= 9.0 can be used ONLY with GitLab CE/EE >= 9.0 result=-1 runner=2d8e8157 statusText=couldn't execute POST against https://serverurl:8443/api/v4/runners/verify: Post https://serverurl:8443/api/v4/runners/verify: dial tcp serverip:8443: i/o timeout