An error occurred while fetching the assigned iteration of the selected issue.
Duration of each step could be displayed
While is implemented, a first easy step could be to just display the duration for each step:
For instance:
Fetching changes for 33600-fix-uncaught-throw-in-ee_compat_check with git depth set to 20...
HEAD is now at ff97afd Merge branch '33461-display-user-id' into 'master'
* [new branch] 33600-fix-uncaught-throw-in-ee_compat_check -> origin/33600-fix-uncaught-throw-in-ee_compat_check
Checking out d9a92218 as 33600-fix-uncaught-throw-in-ee_compat_check...
Checking out d9a92218 as 33600-fix-uncaught-throw-in-ee_compat_check... > Done in 32 seconds
Skipping Git submodules setup
Skipping Git submodules setup > Done in 1 seconds
Checking cache for ee_compat_check_repo...
Checking cache for ee_compat_check_repo... > Done in 349 seconds
The duration is shown as Description of the step > Done in X seconds
This would allow to at least understand what are the steps that take most of the time for each job.