Build statically
Difference in size of v0.6.2
in statically vs dynamically linking of linux/amd64
is +52624 bytes.
Benefit is binary can be run on Alpine linux.
# ...
export CGO_ENABLED=0
# build
Do not update/delete: Banner broadcast message test data
Do not update/delete: Notification broadcast message test data
Difference in size of v0.6.2
in statically vs dynamically linking of linux/amd64
is +52624 bytes.
Benefit is binary can be run on Alpine linux.
# ...
export CGO_ENABLED=0
# build
Title changed from Build staticaly to Build statically
Previously disabling CGO make the runner to brake on some platforms (eg. OSX). That's why it is not static. Maybe it will change with Go 1.5, but this is planned for 1.0.
Milestone changed to v1.0
Milestone changed to v1.1
We use Go1.5 now.
Status changed to closed