documentation](doc/development/ for instructions on adding your own
## 17.3.2 (2024-09-11)
### Fixed (3 changes)
- [Update Access data on sync even if data didn’t changed](
- [Fix Sidekiq crashing when GITLAB_LOG_LEVEL set to debug](
- [Fix issue when resizing images in RTE](
### Changed (1 change)
- [Backport OpenSSL v3 callout to 17.3](
### Security (19 changes)
- [Revert "Merge branch 'security-psk-fix-external-wiki-integration-dos-17-3' into '17-3-stable-ee'"]( ([merge request](
- [Fix the vulnerability in the glm_source parameter]( ([merge request](
- [Add permissions check to project creations from a project template]( ([merge request](
- [Fix credentials disclosure in mirroring failure]( ([merge request](
- [Redirect url in the link validated for being external]( ([merge request](
- [[17.3] Update edit permissions for DAST profiles]( ([merge request](
- [Commit information visible through release atom endpoint for guest users]( ([merge request](
- [Execute environment stop actions as the owner of the action]( ([merge request](
- [Prevent users with admin_group_member custom ab. to manage custom roles]( ([merge request](
- [Fixed frontend regex to parse URI]( ([merge request](
- [Use session instead of params for identity linking]( ([merge request](
- [Fix external wiki integration DoS by changing request to HEAD]( ([merge request](
- [Restrict IPs for packages dependency proxy]( ([merge request](
- [Strip out Set-Cookie header from dependencyproxy auth response]( ([merge request](
- [Fix open redirect due to additional slash added]( ([merge request](
- [Group Developers can view group runners]( ([merge request](