Environment action buttons in MR view
Developers want to manipulate environments directly from the merge request view, where they're working. They can currently see if a MR has been deployed to an environment, and can click directly to see the running application, but need to click through to the environment to do other actions such as access the terminal or stop the environment.
Related, we have similar problems with job details pages, as we show environment information there. Interestingly, the job detail page also shows environment information when it will be deployed there, not just when it is actually deployed. That is good information to bring back to the MR page. Knowing that a MR is currently being deployed is really valuable feedback, especially right after clicking merge. Going further, I'd really like to see the pipeline mini-graph for the pipeline that is going to deploy the current MR. But that's a story for another issue.
Where we show environments, add the environment action buttons on the right.
Links / references
Documentation blurb
(Write the start of the documentation of this feature here, include:
- Why should someone use it; what's the underlying problem.
- What is the solution.
- How does someone use this
During implementation, this can then be copied and used as a starter for the documentation.)