Create issue from group by picking the project for you automatically
- Many teams are using GitLab to do issue management that is not directly related to source code development.
- Or maybe the team creating the issue doesn't know which project/repo it belongs in. But they are working in a common organization / team defined by a group or a subgroup.
- How can we make it super easy to create an issue at the group level?
- We do not want the concept of group issues at this point. That does not fit our current design architecture and product strategy.
- But we do want it easy for a user to create an issue at the group level.
- Currently, if you try to create an issue at the group level, it forces you to pick a project. We want to abstract that out.
Common use cases
- An organization is structured in different business functions, such as engineering, operations, business development, sales, marketing. Each area has groups and subgroups. A person in the operations department does not know what particular project to start an issue, but we want to allow that person to quickly an issue that pertains to the operations department. It is a process issue and unrelated to developing software.
- An organization is structured in different product areas. There is a consumer hardware product. There is a web product. There is a mobile product. A marketing person sees a defect in the mobile product and wants to quickly log an issue related to a problem in the latest iPhone version of the app. The person doesn't understand or care that there are multiple repos and subgroups that are associated wth that iPhone app. That person just wants to log that defect and get on with their day without caring.
Potential solutions
- When creating a group/subgroup, you can define a default issue project.
- When you create an issue from the group/subgroup UI, in that UI flow (i.e. probably the web form), it belongs to that project.
- During that issue creation flow, you still have a chance to choose another project, but at a minimum, you are not forced to choose, because the system has chosen the default for you.
- In the group settings, you can change the default issue project. But there is a default chosen for you already, namely it is the first project that is added to the group.
- Another solution is building service desk out further in an internal setting. But that's probably too risky to iterate on it to solve this type of internal user problem.