API v4 does not return all the groups a user belong to
It is not possible to get the groups a user belong to with the API
Steps to reproduce
- User Bob creates a Group A
- User Bob creates a subGroup AB
- User Bob creates a sub-subgroup AB1
- User Bob creates a sub-subgroup AB2
- User Bob adds user Alicie to Group A with reporter permission
- User Alice query the API to get all the groups she belong to and just gets Group A:
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: ****" -XGET https://gitlab.com/api/v4/groups
Example Project
We are having this error with the meta group https://gitlab.com/Bitergia and I've created and example at:
- https://gitlab.com/groups/Bitergia/testing-subgroups-bug
- https://gitlab.com/groups/Bitergia/testing-subgroups-bug/groupab1
- https://gitlab.com/groups/Bitergia/testing-subgroups-bug/groupab2
The user gitlab2phabricator-bot sees all these groups through the web interface, but can't get them using the API.
What is the current bug behavior?
API request GET /groups
does not return all the groups a user belong to
What is the expected correct behavior?
API request GET /groups
returns all the groups a user belong to (the ones that are accessible using the web interface)
Relevant logs and/or screenshots
No relevant logs
Output of checks
This bug happens on GitLab.com
Results of GitLab environment info
Results of GitLab application Check
Possible fixes