In EE we allow specific people to be selected for the "Allowed to push" setting of protected branches. This can lead to confusion when you select both "No one" and a specific user:
Pop quiz: which setting gets precedent here?
Answer: Both! One applies to role, the other applies to a specific user.
I think the setting should probably say "No roles" or something like that.
This is only unclear in EE but the setting should change in CE as well for consistency.
We break down the options into sections: "Roles", "Groups" and "Users". We also remove the "No one" option, since deselecting all options in the "Roles" section has the same effect.
EE users can select roles as well as groups and individual users
CE users can only select roles
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@cperessini The user who created the support ticket that originally prompted this issue makes a good point - why do we need "No one" at all? Isn't that essentially the same thing as not clicking either of the other two options? I guess it makes it more explicit, which is usually good, but leads to confusion in this case.
@rspeicher@dimitrieh You're right, it did seem a little weird. I think it must have been included originally in order to treat these options if these were radio buttons, and show people that it's possible to select no roles. But I think it's pretty clear that you can deselect all roles to achieve the same effect, so we should remove it.
I'm not sure if search is both for roles and users, but I thought it might be only for users. In that case, we should move the search field to the Users section.
@dimitrieh I think the case of the filters is a little different. When you filter by author you are given a choice between "Any author" or a specific author, so they both refer to the entity "author".
In this instance you are choosing between "roles" and "users", which are different types of entities. I feel the titles makes it clearer for someone who's new to using this feature, but I see your point.
@cperessini don't mind my last comment in that case! I completely agree with you. I was just wondering if we already use this design pattern somewhere... and it was itching my mind, but I have found it:
In that sense I think these "subtitles" should be consistent in their design
Sure @cperessini . This looks like something @DouweM can prioritize and he's already put it in 8.16. If we don't get to it within 8.16, we'll see where go from there. Thanks!
@iamphill if the effort is small can you just grab it super quick? If not we can see who has the free time. @victorwu this is not in the 8.17 meta issue which is what I generally go off of. If you want us to do it can you put it there.
@DouweM + @jschatz1 : I was wondering if this is a platform thing. Going forward we have @mydigitalself from a product perspective to help us. But I see @iamphill already got this in quickly. Thanks Phil!