Unable to decrease required approvals
When editing a MR, you can increase the number of required approvals, but not decrease it. This leads to situations where you cannot get enough approvals once you started with the wrong number. When clicking on Edit
of the MR, it shows the correct amount of required approvals, however on the MR page itself it shows the maximum.
Steps to reproduce
Create a MR, set a number of approvers (e.g. in our case 4). Edit the MR and reduce the number of approvals required. The page will still show 4 circles and the MR cannot be merged.
Expected behavior
Correct amount of required approvals
Actual behavior
Maximum amount it once had.
Relevant logs and/or screenshots
On the left a MR, on the right the Edit
page of that MR.
Output of checks
Gitlab 8.16 upgrade from 8.15.4 using omnibus. Both chrome and safari show the problem.