Geo secondary does not delete git repo from disk
A secondary Geo node, does not delete a Git repo from the disk when deleted from the primary. It is successfully deleted from the database, so there is no notice of it in the UI, and when another project is created with the same name, it overwrites the orphaned repo, so it is seamless to a user. But if projects are being deleted to save disk space, it does not work on the secondary.
Steps to reproduce
- Delete a project on a Geo installation.
- Compare the contents of
on the primary vs secondary
What is the current bug behavior?
The files are still there on the secondary
What is the expected correct behavior?
It should be deleted just like the primary
Versions affected
I tried this on 8.11.3 (where the customer reported it) and then checked that it still exists on 8.17.4 9.0.2 and 9.0.5
All tested versions have this same behavior