I closed it a few weeks ago because it was fixed, but re-opened last week because I noticed in BrowserStack that the problem was still happening in IE. So I should probably update the issue title/description to reflect that. And yeah, I can work on it -- I've just been out of the office this week and will be til Monday. I'll unassign myself for now, and if it's still unassigned when I get back, I'll re-assign myself.
username-removed-408230changed title from Text decoration on suggested approvers in MR Widget to Text decoration on suggested approvers in MR Widget in IE
changed title from Text decoration on suggested approvers in MR Widget to Text decoration on suggested approvers in MR Widget in IE
Filipa Lacerdachanged title from Text decoration on suggested approvers in MR Widget in IE to Text decoration on suggested approvers in MR Widget
changed title from Text decoration on suggested approvers in MR Widget in IE to Text decoration on suggested approvers in MR Widget