Currently inside the project settings, you can set up Slack slash command integration. But it requires a lot of manual steps.
This issue replaces that set up only for On-prem installs of GitLab will not get this feature. will get this feature, and do not see the previous feature. On-prem version is
The UX flow should be similar to the Trello examples below, including all the settings screens. There are two ways to establish the integration. Starting from GitLab (from the project settings), and starting from Slack. The Trello examples show these.
This is configured per project (on, so it will be in the project settings.
After configuration, you get all the slash commands here: There is no extra set up required. The trigger word is the project name. There is nothing as part of the configuration flow that requires/allows you to specify a trigger word.
This will require working with Slack to get an app into their directory. We already have a working relationship with them.
I think, as this is just for, we could just auto-enable the Slack slash commands API and then have the app use that? We'd also need to set up a bot to allow configuration, like the video.
For .com this flow from the videos will work. But keep in mind we are not using OAuth right now, which is what we would need. If we're running on .com we should know the OAuth app secrets etc to setup a OAuth dance, but once we direct the user to Slack we'll eventually get a payload back, encrypted with a shared secret, which we in turn can use to enable the service. After that we can and should actually use the OAuth flow for user authentication too, instead of the ChatName model we use now. Technically it is possible to have both, but it will get weird gitlab-ce2024184 wise and probably some amounts of gitlab-ce168008 will be gained/endured (Whatever the right term is)
This doesn't actually need the ability to configure services in the project at all if we use OAuth - we just use the token of the user themselves.
We'd eventually want some way of letting people set aliases, because this would just have a static list of commands as entry points. (Probably /gitlab, but we could also do /gitlab-issue if we thought that was better - I don't think it is, though.) So a sample command would probably look like /gitlab gitlab-org/gitlab-ce issue create foo, and it would be nice if people could get that down to /gitlab ce or something if they chose to.
@zj which part? Just to be clear, the reason I'm asking is because if our (GitLab's) Slack team has this new app set up, we shouldn't have to configure a project service at all - we should all just be able to use the /gitlab command on any project our individual user has access to.
@sarrahvesselov : This is the other Slack issue for 9.4 that is actually higher priority than But it'll likely be driven by engineering, and it's hard to do UX for it ahead of time because we can't predict the flow just yet. Because the engineering team needs to do investigation / POC on the integration and how the screens would flow between and Slack. So it may look a little UX-rough in this first release. You can click on the links in the description to see how it works with other apps. Essentially, it's just a bunch of UX screens. Hopefully the flow that's discovered will design itself.
I don't think there's anything actionable for UX just yet, beyond maybe reviewing the links in the description.
which part? Just to be clear, the reason I'm asking is because if our (GitLab's) Slack team has this new app set up, we shouldn't have to configure a project service at all - we should all just be able to use the /gitlab command on any project our individual user has access to.
That will be a bit harder, as there is no way to detect the group/project name just yet, but should be doable. I wonder how this is going to work with subgroups, though. But you should be alright.
If you, or any other developer, needs help to understand, please ping me on Slack for faster response times.
@vsizov : This one I think needs a little bit of technical investigation. In the description there's examples of how other apps are doing it. So you can take that as a baseline set of requirements. Please ping me and the Slack people (in the Slack channel) if there's any questions/concerns. Once you have a better idea of what's possible, we can chat about any particular UX details, etc.
@jschatz1 : I don't think there's any FE work for this particular issue. Maybe some very basic settings pages. But let's let @vsizov let us know what's required.
The new Slack app feature for is not like the "Slack slash commands" feature we have now as it should work on a global level. Essentially, this is just another OAuth provider for us as GitHub, BitBucket, Google, etc. We only need to treat it in another way: we don't need a sign up/sign in and we don't show it in the user profile. But it still needs to be added to gitlab.yml file (app secret and app id). When a user clicks "Add to Slack", one, in fact, connects the slack team with the GitLab user profile (note! NOT with a GitLab project). But we can specify what exactly project was meant to be connected to slack team by setting a special flag in the project or something.
Trello connects its internal teams with slack teams which makes more sense. They don’t connect any particular board to slack. However they allow to adjust it latter, see The Trello App for Slack - Trello Help We can consider using group for this as well
The relation between GitLab project and Slack team is hard one :) I mean there are questions here: 1) Visibility. How do we check permissions? I mean if user has requested some issue to show and someone in the slack team is not supposed to see it. This case should be handled correctly. The rest of checks seems like already implemented in our existing Slack service.
The URL(s) for command(s) should be hardcoded in Slack settings. So this will be a single entry point for all the slack commands for the whole (something like
We could also use a Slack's webhooks to overlap our "Slack notification service". Not sure if this makes sense though.
We can check if we're on then we don't show existing services "Slack slash commands" and I think "Slack notification service" (has to be decided)?
This feature should be implemented on EE side I believe. Should we move the issue?
@sarrahvesselov@tauriedavis I do not believe the gitlab-ce2024184 is done here yet right? So I cannot begin on the frontend work until gitlab-ce2024186 is added.
@jschatz1 Correct, no action from either FE or UX at this stage per @victorwu.
@sarrahvesselov : This is the other Slack issue for 9.4 that is actually higher priority than But it'll likely be driven by engineering, and it's hard to do UX for it ahead of time because we can't predict the flow just yet...I don't think there's anything actionable for UX just yet, beyond maybe reviewing the links in the description.
@jschatz1 : I don't think there's any FE work for this particular issue. Maybe some very basic settings pages.
Chatted with @vsizov. The main goal here is to get something in the slack app directory. That might be group-level integration or project-level integration. @vsizov will do more investigation to see what's feasible and best path forward.
@smcgivern There are two possible flows I can think of, I'm currently implementing the first one. This list should answer your comment:
Slack team has this new app set up, we shouldn't have to configure a project service at all - we should all just be able to use the /gitlab command on any project our individual user has access to.
Flow 1 (GitLab project <-> Slack team)
This flow is compatible with the functionality we have now so most of the code can be reused
Button on project settings page follows to Slack and sets redirect URL that will take us to /:project_full_path/slack/enable where we create slack_integration record (team_id, project_id, project_alias (by default, project full path))
On project settings page in Slack section we see a form with an alias field that can be edited by users.
We create a global trigger URL for Slack where we lookup a project by team_id and alias.
If Slack is not a service (third) we can't use ChatName entity. If Slack is a service we would have to store team_id and alias as serialized values which makes it impossible to look up a project (effectively)
Flow 2 (GitLab user <-> Slack user)
The configuration happens in user profile.
Please note that application still can be installed on team level only. So every Slack team member can fire commands like /gitlab gitlab-org/gitlab-ce issue new "Awesome issue" and other. At the same time all the command responses should be “ephemeral” (response is visible for command author only). Project aliases can be configured by every user separately in their own “User Settings”.
We can't use existing ChatName enity to map Slack and GitLab users
Generally, this flow seems pretty confusing to me. I would stick with the first one.
UPDATE: I was talking about "GitLab group <-> Slack user" flow recently but it seems very similar to the first one in a nutshell
Also, one note about fixing the timeout bug. Slack has a feature "delayed response" it allows to send the response later but it has bad UX for "in_channnel" messages as the initial command will not be visible in the channel. Quote from Slack docs:
The only user-facing difference between immediate responses and delayed responses is that "in channel" delayed responses will not include the initial command sent by the user. To echo the command back to the channel, you'll still need to provide a response to Slack's original visit to your invocation URL.
Button on project settings page follows to Slack and sets redirect URL that will take us to /:project_full_path/slack/enable where we create slack_integration record (team_id, project_id, project_alias (by default, project full path))
So this means that it must be set up initially by a project master, but afterwards anyone in the Slack team can use that GitLab project?
On project settings page in Slack section we see a form with an alias field that can be edited by users.
We can start without aliases at first, if that helps.
If Slack is not a service (third) we can't use ChatName entity. If Slack is a service we would have to store team_id and alias as serialized values which makes it impossible to look up a project (effectively)
Can we make it a service, but add a table specifically for this service's configuration, with a 1:1 relation to the main services table? Project services settings being serialised is a problem that we need to solve at some point anyway, probably by splitting service configuration out into separate tables, so we may as well start now.
Generally, this flow seems pretty confusing to me. I would stick with the first one.
How do we check permissions? I mean if user has requested some issue to show and someone in the slack team is not supposed to see it. This case should be handled correctly.
@pedroms Thanks for heads up. It's very interesting issue and I totally agree with your suggestion. Fortunately, I will reuse existing code for chat commands so fixing this security bug will be out of the scope of the current issue.
It will look the same if we start from Slack, you just need to install Gitlab app to your team. On, we also need to add an App data to yaml configuration file application settings.
@smcgivern The last ten times I checked it, this worked without any timeouts (port forwarding + mobile internet). As I understand from the gitlab-ce#31417 issue the problem is a time we spent on issue creation itself. As we introduced a lot of performance improvements + I don't like the idea with ephemeral responses, let's deploy feature with 9.4 release and then test it on directly. It should not be hard with a flipper.
@vsizov : This is amazing! If we can get what you showed in the video into prod I think that would be a great first release. I few points:
Why do you have to authorize yourself again with the Chat accounts page? Is that something based on how we built GitLab? Definitely not in scope to clean this up for this issue. But is that something we can remove in the future? (i.e. skip that entire step.)
I think the UX is great actually for this issue. I don't want to increase scope much more. Maybe clean up the settings page a little bit with the text copy. But I do not want to introduce any additional flows or screens. This is great already!
It's not a big deal if /gitlab help doesn't work yet. Let's put that as a low priority, and we can just say we don't support it as a first release if we don't have time for it.
For the active checkbox in the UI. Let's do the simplest thing. What's the easiest? I'm thinking we should at least allow the user to add the integration and also remove (or just pause) the integration. Whatever is easiest.
You've showed the GitLab --> Slack flow. For the Slack --> GitLab flow (similar to, is there a lot more work to make that happen with the additional screens? If we can launch this without this flow, I think that is totally fine. Let us know what's possible.
@pedroms@sarrahvesselov : I don't think we have capacity to make the flows perfectly smooth here. But please take a look and give any feedback that we can use here or in future issues.
It's not a big deal if /gitlab help doesn't work yet
It's already fixed.
For the active checkbox in the UI. Let's do the simplest thing. What's the easiest?
I got your point. Will do whatever is easiest. Thanks.
You've showed the GitLab --> Slack flow. For the Slack --> GitLab flow
I have not investigated that yet, but I've put it to TODOs for further iterations which means that I would really want to see it in 9.4 but in a separate MR. It should be a matter of creating a one page where you chose a project to enable integration for (theoretically).
The video was awesome, thanks @vsizov for putting that together.
I think the UX is great actually for this issue. I don't want to increase scope much more. Maybe clean up the settings page a little bit with the text copy. But I do not want to introduce any additional flows or screens. This is great already!
I agree with @victorwu here on the point above as well as on the re-authorization on the chat accounts page.
I took a screenshot of the settings page. The Active checkbox seems out of place. I looked at other integrations setting's pages and see that this is consistent across all the screens. I will open a separate issue to look at how we are handling this in the UI. It looks haphazard and unpolished in it's current state.
Showing the authorize message in Slack and making the user go to GitLab to authorize his chat name seems a bit unnecessary. For the user, pressing “Add to Slack” in GitLab and then “Install” in Slack should've done the trick. It would be great if we could remove the whole “authorize ping-pong”.
The “Active” checkbox doesn't make much sense in this situation. If we remove it, how can the user disable/remove the integration? Is that done in the Slack?
To separate help text/instructions from actions and content, consider moving the “Add to Slack” button and the team/command table out of the gray well. Also, rephrase the instruction to read: “To setupset up this service click the following buttonpress Add to Slack”
The “Active” checkbox doesn't make much sense in this situation
It's already removed.
If we remove it, how can the user disable/remove the integration? Is that done in the Slack?
Please check out the TODO list, we are going to add ability to remove a team from the integration. Of course, it's also possible from Slack side but the thing is that it should be possible to do from both sides :)
OK, I eliminated that authorization step in the current iteration as it's not that hard. The only thing that I highlighted in the video (below) is that "Nickname" field in ChatName section is empty, this is because Slack does not provide that data during token exchange phase. I propose two options:
We put a placaholder "You" when the name of Slack user is not set.
We make one extra HTTP request to Slack to get that data (I prefer this).
which sounds like they can disappear at any given point because of different Slack's technical decisions, this is one more point for making one more HTTP query.
I ran into it when tried to get user's data with a separate HTTP query. OK, I'm going to leave this "Nickname" field empty for this MR and then resolve the problem separately somehow... in a separate MR.
UPDATE: I wrote about it to the slack-platform chat
The app should have a good landing page "My landing page contains a detailed summary of what my app does and how it integrates with Slack." This is essentially the same page that provides "Slack --> GitLab flow". So, although, it will be in the next iteration (MR) it should be done in the same release as we can't pass review process without this.
Quote: My landing page contains clear instructions on how to install and use my app (e.g. which parts of my app trigger messages in Slack, and which comments a bot responds to).
Prepare your customer support. We should create a customer support (separate channel) for this. This is interesting point because it seems like we just need to have some public channel for this and have our support team checking it as well... It's a bit unclear what they mean by "support channel", Slack channel or channel in general.
The app should have a good landing page "My landing page contains a detailed summary of what my app does and how it integrates with Slack." This is essentially the same page that provides "Slack --> GitLab flow". So, although, it will be in the next iteration (MR) it should be done in the same release as we can't pass review process without this.
@pedroms do you have time to put together some UX for this? If not, maybe @hazelyang has some bandwidth for this.
@victorwu@smcgivern I think that reviewing our app will take some time so we need to be able to enable new Slack app feature (for review process) but leave the old Slack integration working because it won't be available for other teams except us. Currently I made only one option that actually switches old/new implementation for so we will probably need to change that before release...
@smcgivern I think we need to enable it for all, but only our team and Slack review team will be actually able to install it. This does not look super cool though.
I think we will need to hide Slack application service from the list and allow it to be installed from the directory only (while we're under review). In this case only we and Slack review team can actually test it.
@vsizov that makes sense! So we can add a feature flag to show / hide the Slack app in the integrations list, and then when it's hidden still allow installation from the directory?
There is the interesting feature in Slack, you can share your application between teams without actually putting it to the Slack directory. Which makes things even simpler for us. It means that we don't have to wait for the review process at all, we can start using it (I mean make it publicly available) right after internal tests. So the plan is following:
I'm thinking how to make project alias editabe, and I think that the best UX would be to render the "project alias" as an input field and if it's changed we could show a "Save" button. What do you think?
I'm thinking how to make project alias editabe, and I think that the best UX would be to render the "project alias" as an input field and if it's changed we could show a "Save" button. What do you think?
I think this would be the optimal solution @vsizov. If simply adding the Edit gets us there faster, I think that is fine too.