@mydigitalself As far as I can see, this is implemented in gitlab-omnibus, not gitlab-ee. I don't see how omnibus enforces that this is actually EE-only though. @marin Can you comment on that?
@mydigitalself looks like the only thing we can do here is showing some notification at the top of the page if this feature is configured and the current license doesn't allow its usage, am I right?
To be perfectly honest, I don't know how we can license gate this or even print a message about it being enabled. The service is completely independent to the application and it is also running as a non-git user making it hard for application to know about it. We could think about a system where omnibus could place a file on reconfigure in a location GitLab has access to, but I don't know if this specific feature is worth the coding effort. @mydigitalself what do you think?
I don't see why we would need to do a license check when this is in EE(S) package by default. I am fine either way, I am not sure how much this actually gets used.
@marin because we will be giving people EE by default and all CE features will work without a license. I agree this may not be that important a feature to be listed as EE only, will come back to you asap on it, apologies for the delay in responding, was on vacation last week and catching up.
My suggestion would be to update the documentation to remove that note and make sure it's included in the CE omnibus package too - assuming it's currently not? cc @marin