Navigating between issues when a filter is applied
Originally mentioned in ticket #928 (closed) (link to comment).
When browsing the issues list with a filter applied, I'd like to be able to navigate between the issues without having to open them in a new tab.
If the user opens an issue from a filtered issue list, please keep the filter context. The user can then chose to navigate to the next/previous issue without having to go back to the list or open the issue in a new tab/window.
Links / references
Inspired by JIRA:
Documentation blurb
What is it?
- UX improvement for issue navigation
Why should someone use this feature?
- Project managers love to have filtered issues lists mailed to them and navigate between issues quickly
What is the underlying (business) problem?
- Poor UX
How do you use this feature?
Use cases
Who is this for? Provide one or more use cases.
- Agile teams using Gitlab. It'll greatly improve how people navigate between issues during meetings around the issues lists.
Feature checklist
Make sure these are completed before closing the issue, with a link to the relevant commit.
- Feature assurance
- Documentation
- Added to features.yml