SSH key audit/disable all SSH keys
GitLab aims to maintain a secure work environment. Sometimes admins want to force users to verify their SSH keys and disable ones no longer needed/in use to minimize security risks.
Provide an option to start an SSH key audit/disable all SSH keys. When a user tries to use the SSH key the system should then kick back a message to the user telling them they need to login and verify the key.
Links / references
GitHub Enterprise has a similar feature:
Documentation blurb
An admin can disable all SSH keys and force users to verify they are still using SSH key.
Use cases
- Secure instance by disabling all SSH keys
- Disable all SSH keys not used in X days or older than X days
Feature checklist
Make sure these are completed before closing the issue, with a link to the relevant commit.
- Feature assurance
- Documentation
- Added to features.yml