LDAP `sync_time` configuration duplicated/not used properly
Related to gitlab-org/gitlab-ee#132
It seems that when we switched from old to new LDAP configuration syntax, sync_time
was sort of half-way migrated. But, code references the old configuration so the 'properly' configured sync_time
is never referenced.
Notice the two spots I put the >>
. One seems to be a 'global' sync_time
that is not specific to a provider, while the other is provider specific.
# Default settings
Settings['ldap'] ||= Settingslogic.new({})
Settings.ldap['enabled'] = false if Settings.ldap['enabled'].nil?
>> Settings.ldap['sync_time'] = 3600 if Settings.ldap['sync_time'].nil?
Settings.ldap['schedule_sync_daily'] = 1 if Settings.ldap['schedule_sync_daily'].nil?
Settings.ldap['schedule_sync_hour'] = 1 if Settings.ldap['schedule_sync_hour'].nil?
Settings.ldap['schedule_sync_minute'] = 30 if Settings.ldap['schedule_sync_minute'].nil?
# backwards compatibility, we only have one host
if Settings.ldap['enabled'] || Rails.env.test?
if Settings.ldap['host'].present?
# We detected old LDAP configuration syntax. Update the config to make it
# look like it was entered with the new syntax.
server = Settings.ldap.except('sync_time')
Settings.ldap['servers'] = {
'main' => server
Settings.ldap['servers'].each do |key, server|
server = Settingslogic.new(server)
server['label'] ||= 'LDAP'
server['timeout'] ||= 10.seconds
server['block_auto_created_users'] = false if server['block_auto_created_users'].nil?
server['allow_username_or_email_login'] = false if server['allow_username_or_email_login'].nil?
server['active_directory'] = true if server['active_directory'].nil?
server['attributes'] = {} if server['attributes'].nil?
server['provider_name'] ||= "ldap#{key}".downcase
>> server['sync_time'] = 3600 if server['sync_time'].nil?
server['provider_class'] = OmniAuth::Utils.camelize(server['provider_name'])
Settings.ldap['servers'][key] = server
Now look at the code in user.rb
that detects if an LDAP check is necessary. It references only the global setting, not the provider specific one.
def requires_ldap_check?
if !Gitlab.config.ldap.enabled
elsif ldap_user?
!last_credential_check_at || (last_credential_check_at + Gitlab.config.ldap['sync_time']) < Time.now
If we retain the provider specific one then a lot of code will have to get a lot smarter and look up the LDAP provider before checking sync time.
cc/ @jacobvosmaer - Mentioning you because this is related to gitlab-org/gitlab-ee#132