Need way to escape/disable emoji in GitLab Flavored Markdown
I created an issue in our internal GitLab issue and cited a time format string consisting of "hh", a colon ":", "hh", a colon ":", "ss"
GFM converted the colon-mm-colon sequence into an emoji (
- hh:mm:ss
I need some way to escape or disable this:
None of the quoting/escaping I tried worked:
- use \ before each colon yields: hh:mm:ss
- use : instead of a colon yields: hh:mm:ss
- use &gitlab-foss#58 (closed); instead of a colon yields: hh:mm:ss
Using a zero-space delimiter ‌ around the colons does visibly render correctly, but it adds extra text that should not really be there - i.e. you cannot copy/paste this and get the desired text:
- hh:mm:ss
As you can see, we also need a way to escape the autolinking to GitLab issues, I don't want a link to issue # 58 when I use "&gitlab-foss#53 (closed)" and I can't use # in GFM to get just a #