TV dashboard can be useful to see the status of your pipelines (and other information) in a simple way) while working in an office, just looking at it from time to time.
This allows a real time tracking of what's going on.
Implement a specific view for pipelines that is suitable for TV monitors.
Links / references
Documentation blurb
What is it?
Why should someone use this feature?
What is the underlying (business) problem?
How do you use this feature?
Use cases
Who is this for? Provide one or more use cases.
Feature checklist
Make sure these are completed before closing the issue,
with a link to the relevant commit.
We have this for admin users in admin area. But what is practical reason for having such page for normal user? You can see projects status on dashboard. Why would you be interested in list of builds from all projects in one place?
kamilt [12:27 PM] @dzaporozhets: I would like to see some dashboard for CI that you could put on TV screen in your company, but maybe this should be implemented as separate project :simple_smile:jeroen [12:30 PM] @kamilt that would be awesome!dzaporozhets [12:35 PM] @kamilt: yeah that would be nice. But I would expect it to be like [12:35 PM]instead of listing all builds - which is less informative and boringkamilt [12:35 PM] @dzaporozhets: Yes, I agree :simple_smile:
It is I who have spoken of this feature on twiter (
I use all the time the dashboard/admin-page on old CI because I have more than 100 projects in my gitlab and so, a lot of builds :)
So, I have not done the update to gitlab 8.x
We have this for admin users in admin area. But what is practical reason for having such
page for normal user? You can see projects status on dashboard. Why would you be interested
in list of builds from all projects in one place?
Exactly my thoughts.
While I now also see the use case for some (very few) people, I would really like to propose to not clutter the normal UI with this. Quite a few UI elements have been added recently already, and I think it is totally essential to keep the UI clean to be able to be productive.
Maybe this dashboard could do without a (prominently placed) link/button in the normal UI (for the TV screen scenario, you would only open the page once, right?).
We should concentrate on showing your Pipelines rather than Builds.
How come you treat those feature as interchangeable? We need a view of all builds to display them on a big TV visible by all team members. Correct me if I'm wrong by the "pipeline" feature seems to be something different.
Having a TV build monitor is something that my team are definitely looking for. The screenshots above are EXACTLY what I'm after.
Im not sure if this issue has been closed, just because it mentions builds - this is just terminology confusion.
We're used to seeing a summary of all our "jobs" in Jenkins, via:
And the flexibility this provides is massive, i.e. you can filter the monitor via names that match a regex, only show failing jobs etc.
The gitlab CI monitor should have the option on whether to show red/green for Pipelines (i.e. the status of each pipeline) or show the "Job Summary" (what jobs in what pipelines are failing).
@cleankod@andreoid@ant31 This issue, as originally stated in the description is about a list of builds (which we now call jobs). Since we have moved to showing Pipelines rather than individual Jobs, the focus will be on showing Pipelines. If there's value in also showing Jobs, then we'll certainly consider that, but there's already pressure to remove the Jobs tab in a few places as it seems unnecessary. At any rate, a list view of this information would be covered by, thus this issue is closed as a duplicate.
It seems that some people are interested in a more visual dashboard of information (whether pipelines or jobs) suitable for TV use, and there are even some mockups in this thread, but that not what the issue was originally for. If you're interested in that, please create a new issue. If you really want, we can resurrect this issue and rewrite the description to make it clear that it's about a TV dashboard.
/cc @bikebilly
@sarrahvesselov if I remember correctly, your team was involved in a discussion about TV dashboards, and for sure UX in GitLab FOSS has a leading actor here.
Thanks for the ping @bikebilly ! We have been researching and discussing admin/team dashboards across several different issues. This sounds similar, though we have never specifically looked at creating them for a TV screen. Here are some links to the research and issues we already have if you would like some light reading
We can also consider to decouple the solutions and have a dashboard (data presenter) that is available in both a "traditional" view and a "tv screen" view, so we just have two frontend rendering for the same info.
I believe that the place to start is with a proper 'traditional' dashboard. Once we have that, it will not be a far leap to create a "tv friendly" view. I see this issue as something that should come after we work out the other issue I linked to.