Specs are failing in 8-6-stable-ee
Feature: Audit Event
Scenario: I should see audit events
✔ Given I sign in as a user # features/steps/shared/authentication.rb:7
✔ And I own project "Shop" # features/steps/shared/project.rb:22
✔ And gitlab user "Pete" # features/steps/project/audit_event.rb:36
✔ And "Pete" is "Shop" developer # features/steps/project/audit_event.rb:40
undefined method `authorize_admin_project!' for #<AuditEventsController:0x007f7f764b7ee8>
/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/vendor/ruby/2.1.0/gems/activesupport- `block in make_lambda'
Error summary:
Errors (2)
Audit Event :: I add new deploy key :: When I visit audit event page
Audit Event :: I should see audit events :: Then I should see the audit event listed
✔ When I visit project "Shop" page # features/steps/shared/paths.rb:318
✔ And I go to "Members" # features/steps/project/audit_event.rb:46
✔ And I change "Pete" access level to master # features/steps/project/audit_event.rb:54
✔ And I visit project "Shop" settings page # features/steps/project/audit_event.rb:50
✔ And I go to "Audit Events" # features/steps/project/audit_event.rb:67
! Then I should see the audit event listed # features/steps/project/audit_event.rb:28