I'd like to request under graphs or commits a way to show commits by user, under a branch (master, or other) under a project. GitHub has this and it's very useful to see what a person has done.
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@smcgivern The request is to be able to list commits by author. The link you provided lists the number of commits by each author but provides no way that I could find to actually see which commits those are. We have had customers ask for this.
The only filter we seem to provide is one on commit message. We could provide something on this page: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/commits/master that allows all commits for a particular user to be listed. Or, at a minimum, make the number of commits listed for each committer at your link above clickable so one could list those commits. I think it would be more flexible to have this on the /commits/ page.
A use case for this sort of listing: I've contribute random patches to a wide variety of Open Source projects over the years, and I like to be able to to have concise links to my contributions in my portfolio.