To the public user, my commit history looks like this:
But for me privately, it looks like this:
I would love to link to GitLab in my resume/portfolio, etc. And the second graph looks much better from that standpoint with respect to my work. I would LOVE to be able to get that graph on my public page, with maybe some info on the number of repositories I've committed to in total, etc. I can see some users having issue with this and privacy, so maybe an opt-in?
Something like having my private graph, with a line under that said "CBanga has made X commits to Y repositories over the past 365 days." would be a really neat and powerful way for me to link my GitLab in my portfolios/resume, and much better than GitHub, etc. I know this number is totally useless, easily manipulated, etc. But some people actually care about this (unfortunately), so a blank profile just looks bad, and I would never share it.
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Now that I have moved to Gitlab from the hubs, I'd like this also due to recruiters and peers checking out my activity. At the hubs, you have a drop down for all public users to define what activity they can view - clearly nothing from private repos is displayed, just commit counts.
I agree that this option is available, and useful for recruiting opportunities. I also agree with @aleksey.pastuhov that showing commits is more relevant than pushes (like github). If you get concerned with populating "contributions" over actual contributions, IMO you're going to waste time pushing after every commit which is both tedious and a misuse of remote repositories.
Actually now I want to mention about another side of commits...
If you will display commits as your main statistics, it will actually shows that you worked with something but did not pushed.. So you didn't share your code with other developers. It looks a little bit selfish.
How it looks for other contributors:
You have started task a month/week ago
You have not pushed any changes for a month/week
Other contributors began to think that you do not care about project, even if you said that everything is ok and you need a little bit more time
Someone else starts to work with your task
You make a push with a thouthand of commits
Result: any new user think that you worked every day and that you are really good developer with good statistics. Other contributions and old guys know that you did not share your code for a log time..
Also as you know there is a rule:
Before you go home:
git commitgit push
I think that rule is also valid for OpenSource, when you finish your work today: make a push, because nobody knows when your hard drive will burn up.
@aleksey.pastuhov Actually, unless I'm misunderstanding, the point of this issue is to show the pushes from private repositories; not showing commits vs. pushes. I push to projects almost daily, but my projects are all marked as private, so to the public user my commit history shows nothing. It should show all of your activity, even if you can't view the project itself, so as to avoid looking like you are an inactive user.
I dont agree @aleksey.pastuhov because people who want to look our profile see nothing and they will show we are inactive it can select as show public and private like github and thay way they can see our open source project and assure about how developer he or she is!
@vbmacit and @jessicalynn , you are right! I was talking to @freeboson . I've just mentioned that you can see only pushes on gitlab, and not commits.. I did not said that commits are more relevant. :)
@AWulkan There's probably a heap of different ways to ask for some feature highlighting that can be a little more constructive. I'm sure there is huge list of features being worked on - let's just raise the profile of this request too so it's more likely to get some attention in the priority stack. K
@kylehqcom I didn't mean to be rude, sorry. It's just that I have no idea of what needs to be done and I'm not experienced enough to help Gitlab implement something like this. The general idea of what people want has already been discussed, but it felt like this issue was just an echo chamber that never resulted in anything.
This a feature that I would highly like to be implemented though. For a newbie like me it means a lot to be able to show activity. That's why I said I might have to move to Github, even if it means paying a monthly fee. I didn't mean it as an insult to Gitlab. I would love to use Gitlab instead if I had the choice, but an empty activity feed just looks so bad.
@AWulkan Thanks for the response, it's appreciated so thanks for clearing that up. Not that I work for Gitlab myself, but it's never a good idea to make feature requests with "threats". Always be supportive, especially with open source =]
Any news about this feature ? I'm really looking forward for this option, as the majority of my projects are not meant to be public, and thus don't appear on the calendar... Thank you Gitlab team for what you're doing !
Hey all following this issue - I've finally got some time to download the Gitlab GDK and get GitLab running locally as a developer environment. Normal issues with getting the right version of ruby/gem/bundler stuff being on a mac but I'm looking at the contributed_projects_finder.rb.... hmmm looks like I need to find activity instead.
From a developer point of view, the returned results are based around user permissions/scope - shimming something here would be a bad idea/code smell/yuck. I'm no ruby dev (Golang/PHP) but I will see if I can get the desired results as a hack, then look to define a better method to return the private activities that we have requested.
Update: I have made some changes locally to confirm the desired behaviour. The calendar activity displays contributions for private repos, but not the repositories themselves. As per the enclosed screen grabs.
One signed in as Root/Admin with a new private-as repo, with activity 24 minutes ago
The other in an non signed incognito window still displaying the contribution in the calendar, but a public project contribution of "about 21 hours ago"
From here I will confirm the Gitlab contribution guidelines, (I may have to fork the project), check/write tests and look to get a PR reviewed. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Hi @haynes - that sounds all correct to me to a fully complete feature request. At this stage I have a local branch that returns activity counts for both public & private contributions to the calendar display only. This ensures that normal behaviour when selecting a date of private contributions remaining that way.
I personally think that "by default" all activity to private & public repos should be displayed. A complete feature would give the user the option but this can come in another iteration as required IMO. By making this the default behaviour, we also mitigate scope creep for ui changes. This request is now 9 months old so my feeling was rather to get something working and iterate over something fully fledged.
I'm a little in transit currently (in an airport on my home now) so happy to get the fork/MR in. Ruby is new to me so Grok'ing the project and getting the tests all in isn't helping delivery time either!
Looks like you are part of the core team, would you like to collaborate!
Thanks Kyle =]
I discussed this yesterday with @ClemMakesApps
For the first iteration it would be ok to change the calendar view to display all events (public and private)
When you click on a date it should work as before. (don't show anything the user isn't allowed to see)
The Text needs to be adjusted a bit to avoid confusion.
for example No contributions found for 6 Jan would become something like:
No public contributions found for 6 Jan The user might've made contributions to private projects that are not being displayed.
@kylehqcom I probably won't have much time in the next 2 weeks, but I'll try my best to help you in case you get stuck somewhere :)
Thanks @haynes, that's all the confirmation I need. I will continue and with the PR/MR and make the change to the hover/display for the user to avoid confusion. Then the changelog and tests.
Also thanks for adding the Accepting Merge Requests label - Kyle
Thank Gitlab for empowering us! Sorry I didn't get to this sooner @cbanga & @palemajki - it wasn't on my immediate todo list and I guess life got in the way ¯\(ツ)/¯
Psss, guys, pay attention, I'll tell you a little secret.
There's a feature known as emoji which serves to proof the amount of "wanted" for a certain issue. Using this instead of +1 leads to a cleaner comment's page (currently 43 +1) and also less redundant messages for those who are subscribed to the issue.
@arteezy I'm with you. 3 months ago I created a merge request that would (IMO) get this feature request over the line. However due to an additional MR created to store user contributions in a seperate table (events don't scale and have a year lifetime), this MR was/is blocked to use the new datasource.
If this was my project/business, this MR would have been merged long ago & being tweaked after user feedback. When the new user contribution table came online, then the necessary code changes could be made to utilise.
This isn't a dig at the generous efforts contributors are making to the codebase, it's a dig at the process and I think we could do better.
I would love this feature as I work for closed source companies... which might incentivize me to move away from Gitlab CE. I can see how it would also discourage Gitlab EE (your main breadwinner), and encourage Sass upgrades. A way to report statistics back to from siloed installs would obviate business dilemma. But then it would be easy to spoof... not that it isn't already easy to spoof. A public commit ledger feature would be nice to increase credibility of legit stats and discourage spoofing.
I wish tu put on my CV link to gitlab instead of github. Because i do much more work with your stuff. I'ts really important to have feature like this when trying to find new job.
It's because the patches weren't pulled because they were waiting on another issue, one that never quite got resolved. This has been in a sort of limbo since then.
I think this feature will also help spread Gitlab as an alternative to those who don't actively look for Github alternatives. THe majority of my projects on both Gitlab and Github are private, but I link to Github, which I actually use much less than Gitlab, because it displays all that private activity.