Per branch merge request approvals
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Customer requests per branch merge request approval settings. This is an add-on to the request for specific branch permissions. Other users have also expressed an interest in this feature in the blog post comments at
Use case from customer:
Per branch permissions is a great feature and I look forward to it! It does help address some of my problems, but, as you said, not the merge request approvals part. I guess my biggest problem with merge approvals is that it applies to all merge requests for all branches of the project. I really only want to require approvals for our dev branch because that is where we’re having continual problems with broken code being checked in. Our master and patch branches are already locked down to a small handful of people with push/merge permissions so requiring approvals there doesn’t make sense for my teams. On the page I linked below (Drew: blog post linked above) I did see others asking for per-branch approvals, but not sure whether there is wide-spread demand for something like this. I realize that all feature requests can’t be done; some don’t make sense and there isn’t time for others. Hopefully it will be discussed again on your side if it hasn’t been already.
cc/ @JobV Thoughts?