Investigate: Additionally there is strange behavior when you edit a file from a mobile browser. In my case, the caps/shift "up arrow" (Google keyboard) also performs a backspace some times when it is pressed. This only happens when editing a file, not in for example the comment text box.
Investigate: Sometimes the cursor jumps while editing text.
Investigate: avoiding auto-zoom; restoring the ability to move around the text with both touch-and-drag and keyboard 3D-touch; and most importantly, making sure edits still work after changing the text position with a single tap (currently, only back spacing works after doing this, until you unfocus and refocus the textarea)
Once we are feeling good about this, we should make sure it is easy to access the Edit button.
Additionally there is strange behavior when you edit a file from a mobile browser. In my case, the caps/shift "up arrow" (Google keyboard) also performs a backspace each time it is pressed.
This only happens when editing a file, not in for example this very text box.
Editing on iPhone (tested in Safari and Chrome) is a bit of touch-and-go but you can generally make it work. There's a lot of room for improvement though: avoiding auto-zoom; restoring the ability to move around the text with both touch-and-drag and keyboard 3D-touch; and most importantly, making sure edits still work after changing the text position with a single tap (currently, only back spacing works after doing this, until you unfocus and refocus the textarea). If the last of these issues was able to be resolved I'd say it would be fine to include the edit buttons? I haven't tested on Android though.
@awhildy@sarahod should we test the usability of these editing screens? I mean we can def fix this up to be better but editing on iphone might always be a little painful. Is there a better UX way in the future?
@jschatz1 It would be good to get an understanding of how many users are accessing GitLab on a mobile device and what sort of tasks they're trying to perform. I had a look in Piwik, I'm not sure how reliable the data is, but over the last 2 weeks, mobile traffic accounted for 4% of visits so it isn't much. I'm not sure it warrants building something into our process which always checks how things are displayed on a mobile device. Having said that, once we know what users are doing on mobile devices, we could just ensure the journeys to complete these specific tasks are optimised for both desktop and mobile devices.
I'm not sure we need explicit user testing at this point. It feels more like we need someone to sit down and list out all the broken experiences (like what @tdmalone did) and create issues. We don't have a specific question to answer, we just need a list of fixes that are pretty clear from playing with it. From there, we can user test and see what we missed. But at this point, I feel like the bugs are obvious from use.
I just created gitlab-foss#26164 (moved) from playing around with it myself. I also created gitlab-foss#26166 (moved) for the larger question of what we should optimize the GitLab mobile experience for. That might be a space @sarahod can dig into a little more.
@awhildy Looks like this issue has expanded quite a bit .. Should we consider the issues/notes you added to the description ready to work on (8.16?)? I'd be glad to take them if they're a priority.
Thanks @brycepj! I don't think this is currently a priority for the current release, but thanks so much for jumping in. Will try and get this scheduled for a release. However, it is probably going to have to wait until after 9.0. Not that I would stop anyone from working on it , I just know there is a lot going on.
@sarahod I don't think the current Piwik data is really good to base mobile decisions off of. Since the mobile experience currently is poor most people will only try once and then never come back on mobile.
This issue seems to have become somewhat bloated since I originally created the issue, with some discussion about the mobile experience in general coming into play which is not this issue. It'd be nice if the most basic issue of the edit button missing could be fix since it's now been 10 months since I filed the issue. Sure other bugs exist as noted in the description but they are less common to affect a user than the edit button completely missing.
username-removed-5332marked the task Investigate: avoiding auto-zoom; restoring the ability to move around the text with both touch-and-drag and keyboard 3D-touch; and most importantly, making sure edits still work after changing the text position with a single tap (currently, only back spacing works after doing this, until you unfocus and refocus the textarea) as completed
marked the task Investigate: avoiding auto-zoom; restoring the ability to move around the text with both touch-and-drag and keyboard 3D-touch; and most importantly, making sure edits still work after changing the text position with a single tap (currently, only back spacing works after doing this, until you unfocus and refocus the textarea) as completed
username-removed-5332marked the task Investigate: Sometimes the cursor jumps while editing text. as completed
marked the task Investigate: Sometimes the cursor jumps while editing text. as completed
Fyi I came across this whilst googling why I can't edit on my mobile. As mentioned I would give up and not try, but it is the only device I have right now to make a quick fix on.