JIRA handles this by having a "Default Assignee" for each Group (falling back to the Group Owner).
By default, Projects use the Group's "Default Assignee", but optionally, a different team member can be selected as the default on a per project basis.
As a first pass, we could consider just having a single assignee, but I think that would be too much for GitLab CE issues alone. Do we want to consider labels when assigning owners?
@JobV I'd like to see the simplest approach implemented where we can designate a single user as the "default assignee" for a project (maybe make the setting configurable at the group-level later). Here's some detail on how I'd try answering your question:
how would it work?
Setup a Group's Default Assignee (DA)
Go to /groups/GROUP_NAME/edit
Present a drop-down menu of the group's members
This list only contains group-level members and not users that are members of 1 or more projects in the group.
Click the drop-down and pick a user to be the DA
Click Save changes
From then on, when creating new issues on any project in the group, the issue's assignee will be the DA
Setup a Project's Default Assignee (DA)
Present a drop-down menu of the project's members
Maybe we should show the "group-level DA" and make this setting act as an "override"
Click the drop-down and pick a user to be the DA
Click Save changes
From then on, when creating new issues, the issue's assignee will be the DA
Like normal, when the user creating the issue has an access level greater than "guest", they can override the assignee.
If a "round-robin" approach is established (as discussed in gitlab-foss#18078 (moved)), then I think configuring the DA setting could start as a radio button:
Single user - Then present the drop-down menu of members
Pool of users - Then present these options for configuring the pool (radio button):
All project members
Select project members
Use the same search field from /GROUP_NAME/PROJECT_NAME/project_members, which searches against the list of project members