Just a feature that I'd find useful: I have a web hook that is triggered on Push events, however I only want it to be triggered for pushes to a specific branch(s). When creating a webhook, it could be possible to select the branches where the webhook would be triggered.
Perhaps even having some kind of regex matching so that for instance, all branches following feature/* would trigger a certain webhook.
yes. this is absolutely needed feature. especially for CI/CD systems, that start deploy on webhook. any change in any branch triggers redeploy because there is no possibility to set a hook only for master push. very annoying (
Being able to set webhooks to branches is important for our automated deployments....we were investigating complicated work arounds until I saw this as a request.
We need to do some pretty significant overhauling of our integrations & hooks. I absolutely want to do this in the future, but it would probably be a little later in the year, but it's certainly on my shortlist in GitLab FOSS to schedule. We have a lot of performance-related work and some EE related work in priority right now, but will certainly look at this in the summer.
Maybe this is the correct feature or maybe there is some intermediate work around.
I'm looking for 2 possible webhook/trigger/something.
Push to X branch -> Run Pipeline (.gitlab-ci.yml already doing this) -> Open MR for X branch to Y branch (in some cases this is master, in some cases this is dev) -> Run Pipeline (.gitlab-ci.yml already doing this upon commit) -> Merge if Pipeline succeeds -> Close MR -> Possibly Delete branch (since the functionality is based on the X branch if it needs to remain that can be done).
Push to X branch -> Run Pipeline -> Open MR -> Run Pipeline -> (manually accept MR if build succeeds)