Auto refresh the issue board and make it reflect real time
The issue board already feels like a UI piece that reflects real time.. except its not.
Also, the issueboard has 2 usecases where real time ness is important:
- when doing a remote meeting and I change the label on a certain issue.. the one screencasting their screen with the issue board should not have to refresh their tab in order to see those changes.. as to avoid wasting time on an issue not relevant.
Original content issue: This is a problem for us at the moment as we have up 10 members of the team using the board. It has been annoying to keep track of the board as there is the constant need to manually refresh it to see any updates.
- for a non remote office. the issue board could be alway on screen on some monitor.. as to let everybody be aware of how issues are moving through their pipeline for example... or what still needs work etc.
Make issue boards real time.. its already built in vue and is one of our prime UI views.